Home Stamps Commemorative Stamps 1978-1980 Modern Indian Paintings (click for stamp information)
Modern Indian Paintings (click for stamp information)
Modern Indian Paintings (click for stamp information)

Product Details
Product Name
Modern Indian Paintings (click for stamp information)
Issue Date
23 March 1978

Against the background of over 5,000 years of Indian artistc tradition, the history of contempory Indian art may seem but a fraction. Nonetheless, its development is spectacular despite many vicissitudes. It is generally accepted that the image of contemporary Indian art has substantial acquired its characteristics during the post ?Independence period, although one may trace its origin to the earlier years of the century against the chequered backdrop of Abanindranath Tagore and the Indian renaissance, Ravi Verma and his like-the academic realists in the Western manner-and the Company School which filled the scene following the decline of the Indian miniature tradition. Contemporary Indian art is distinguished by a plurality of expression that may baffle one initially but will sort itself out with familiarity and careful study. Basically, the contemporary Indian artist shares the tremendous spirit of adventure and freedom of artistic expression with his counterparts the world over and with this an eclectic approach to technical problems and the high degree of individualism which is perhaps the most significant gift of the modern age.

The pioneers such as Rabindranah Tagore, Abanindranath Tagore, Nandalal Bose, Jamini Roy, and Amrita Sher Gil are already legend. Those who have come after them and who have made a significant contribution are not numerous, but quite substantial. The search and experiment is still on. And there is more than a sign of the coming of age of the contemporary artist. AMRITA SHER GIL (1913-1941) Amrita Sher Gil was born of a Hungarian mother and Indian father. She was educated in India till she left for Paris in 1929 and joined the Ecole Nationale des Beaux Arts. She was deeply stirred by the Post Impressionist Cezanna and Gauguin in particular. Irrespective of the excellence of some of her earlier works, Sher Gil will be principally remembered for her later work which is deeply inspired by Indian people and landscape. The major portion of her work is now permanently housed in the national Gallery of Modern Art, New Delhi.

The Indian Post and Telegraphs Department is happy to bring out a series of four special postage stamps on Modern Indian Paintings.]

Source : Information Folder issued by Indian Posts & Telegraph Department, Government of India

Set of 4
Printed Quantity
2 Mill

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