Home Stamps Commemorative Stamps 1978-1980 Bhagawadgeeta Divion book of Hindus (click for stamp information)
Bhagawadgeeta Divion book of Hindus (click for stamp information)
Bhagawadgeeta Divion book of Hindus (click for stamp information)

Product Details
Product Name
Bhagawadgeeta Divion book of Hindus (click for stamp information)
Issue Date
25 August 1978

The Bhagawadgeeta, the Divine Song of the Lord, occurs in the Bhishma Parva of the great epic  Mahabharata.


It has been considered as a scripture of the highest authority by the great Acharyas  like  Sankara  and  Ramanuja and as a practical guide to living by generations  in  India  and  abroad.


"The Geeta is the universal mother. She turns away nobody. Her door is wide open to anyone   who   knocks. A true votary of the Geeta does not know what disappointment is. He ever  dwells  in perennial joy and  peace that passeth understanding.  But that peace and JOY come not to the sceptic or to  him  who  is proud of his  intellect or  learning.  It  is reserved only for the humble in spirit  who brings  to  her  worship a fullness of faith and an undivided singleness of mind. There never was a man who   worshipped her in that spirit and went back disappointed."

- Mahatma Gandhi


"The Geeta was not preached either as a pastime for persons tired out after living a worldly life in the pursuit of selfish motives, nor as preparatory lesson or living such worldly life, but in order to give  philosophical advice as to how one should live one's worldly life with an eye to Release, moksha, and as to the true duty of human beings in worldly life."

- Lokmanya Tilak


"The Geeta  is one of the clearest and most comprehensive summaries of the perennial philosophy ever to have been done. Hence its enduring value, not only for  Indians,  but   for  all mankind."

- Aldous Huxley


"I believe in all the living languages of the world, there is no book so full of true knowledge, and yet so handy as the Bhagawadgeeta....It brings to men the highest knowledge, the purest love and the most luminous action. It teaches self-control, the three-fold austerity, non-violence, truth, compassion, obedience to the call of duty for the sake of duty, and putting up a fight against unrighteousness (Adharma)..."

- Madan Mohan Malaviya


The P & T Department feels privileged to issue a special stamp in honour of Bhagawadgeeta.


Source : Information Folder issued by Indian Posts & Telegraph Department, Government of India

Printed Quantity
5 Mill

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