Centenary of Bethune College (click for stamp information)
Product Details
Product Name
Centenary of Bethune College (click for stamp information)
Issue Date
04 September 1978
The Bethune College, Calcutta, is commencing its centenary celebration in 1978. to trace the origin and expansion of the College over the last 100 years is. One might say, to unfold the history of the development of women?s education in modern India. In the annals of the women?s education, 4th September is a memorable day. For, it was on this day in 1850 that the establishment of a school for girls in Clacutta was approved. This was the Hindu Female School, later called the Bethune School, the fruit of the tireless efforts of John Ellliot Drinkwater Bethune, Ramgopal Mukherjee.
The institution streered its way through many ups and downs with the support and patronage of Pandit Iswarchandra Vidyasagar among others. The first ever woman candidate passed the Entrance Examination of Calcutta University from the school in 1878. The college classes were thereupon opened in the Bethune School to enable her to pursue studies for the F.A. In 1887-88 the college classes were separted and a full-fledged college under the appellation Bethune College came into being. From such a modest beginning the college became the pioneer for every activity associated with women?s advancement in the intellectual, social, political and cultural spheres not only in Bengal but also in the rest of India.
The Post and Telegraphs Department feels privileged to bring out a commemorative stamp to mark the centenary of this pioneer institution.
Source : Information Folder issued by Indian Posts & Telegraph Department, Government of India
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