Home Stamps Commemorative Stamps 1978-1980 Indian International Trade Fair, New Delhi (click for stamp information)
Indian International Trade Fair, New Delhi (click for stamp information)
Indian International Trade Fair, New Delhi (click for stamp information)

Product Details
Product Name
Indian International Trade Fair, New Delhi (click for stamp information)
Issue Date
10 November 1979

In our country, since ancient times fairs and festivals have been the occasions for trade fairs where merchants gathered from far and wide to display and sell their wares. In contemporary world, the trade fairs have acquired considerable economic significance. These fairs not only promoted trade and marketing of goods but also serve as outlets for technical know-how and consultancy services. One of their major functions is to serve as windows for industrial and economic development of the nation.

The Trade Fair Authority of India (TFAI) was set up on 30 December 1976 by the Government of India as a single unified national agency for planning and mounting exhibitions and fairs in India and abroad. Its basic objective is export promotion through organization and participation in various national and international expositions. Within the short span of its existence, TFAI has a record of achievements. At home, it has organized three major expositions, the National Handloom Fair in April 1977, the Agri-Expo 77 and the National Small Industries Fair in November-December 1978. On the international scene, the Indian National Exhibition at Moscow in August 1978 was the biggest ever fair organized by India on foreign soil which has resulted in considerable expansion of trade with the USSR. Besides the Moscow fair, it has participated in a number of international Trade Fairs abroad. 'Indian Promotion Weeks' organised abroad by Indian master-craftsmen, fashion shows, serving of Indian cuisine, etc.

The India International Trade Fair 1979 being held at Pragati Maidan in New Delhi is the first International Trade Fair organized by TFAI in India. The theme of the Fair is 'trade for prosperity'. The fair covers all aspects of industry, agriculture, trade, science and technology. Nearly 30 countries of the world are participating in the Fair. All the State Governments, many Central Ministries, Public Under-takings, Export Promotion Councils, Commodity Boards and Private firms are also taking part in it.

Indian P & T Department is happy to commemorate the India International Trade Fair 1979 by issuing a special post age stamp.

Source : Information Folder issued by Indian Posts & Telegraph Department, Government of India

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