The Corps of Engineers, commonly referred to as Army Engineers, comprises three groups, "The Madras Engineer Group" (Bangalore), 'The Bengal Engineer Group" (Roorkee), and "The Bombay Engineer Group" (Kirkee). Of these three the "Madras Engineers Group", popularly known as the "Madras Sappers", is the oldest.
The Madras Sappers wre originally raised as the "Corps of Madras Pioneers" in 1780 at Dhowalaishwaram (in the old Madras Presidency and now in Andhra Pradesh) to assist the Infantrymen to overcome the enemy entrenched behind seemmingly impassablr obstacles and fortifications. The Headquarters of the Madras Pioneers moved from Dhowalaishwaram, for varying spells, to Madras, Banglore and Coorg till March 1865, when they were permanently located at Banglore.
The history of Madras Sappers is to a great extent the history of the Indian Army, as there is hardly any important event to which the Madras Sappers have not made their invaluable contribution. Since their inception, the Group has participated in numerous campaigns within India and overseas with distinction, earning over 50 battle honours. The Madras Sappers also helped the United Nations in their peace-keeping missions in Indo-China, Gaza and Congo. True to the Engineers' motto "Sarvatra" (which means everywhere), the Madras Sappers have often been called to te aid of civil authorities during natural calamities like earthquakes, floods and droughts. The contribution of Madras Sappers in the field of sports has been no less. Their sportsmen have given a splendid acount of themselves and have provided representation in the National Teams of Boxing, Hockey, Football, Athletics, Swimmimg and Sailing. Over the years they have produced more than half a dozen Olympians.
In the history of the Madras Sappers of 200 years the Sapper, popularly knon as 'Thambi', has always stood for discipline, loyalty, dedication and, above all, unfailing humour and cheerfulness in the face of adversities.
The P & T Department is privileged to commemorate the oldest member of the Indian Army Engineers, "The Madras Sappers", by issuing a special postage stamp on the occasion of their Bicentennial.
Source : Information Folder issued by Indian Posts & Telegraph Department, Government of India