Home Stamps Commemorative Stamps 1981-1983 Environmental Conservation (click for stamp information)
Environmental Conservation (click for stamp information)
Environmental Conservation (click for stamp information)

Product Details
Product Name
Environmental Conservation (click for stamp information)
Issue Date
15 June 1981

Environmental  Conservation  involves protection as well as enhancement of the quality of our natural environment. Natural  resources  are the  basic building blocks for national development. The air, water, soil, flora and fauna have to be used  with  care  and  wisdom  to  sustain development and to provide for improved quality of life for the people.


India is one of the few countries to have specifically referred to the need for environ­mental  protection  in  its Constitution. The Directive Principles of State Policy enjoins, "the State shall endeavour to protect  and improve the environment and to safeguard the forests and wildlife of the country" (Article 48). It also  declares, "it shall be the  duty of every citizen of India to protect and improve the natural environment including forests,  lakes, rivers, wildlife, and  to have compassion for living creatures" (Article 51-A). With the growing pressure on our natural resources from human and animal populations, environmental degradation is evident in different parts of the country. Signs of deterioration can be seen along the sub-Himalayan tracts, the Western Ghats, the forests of penninsular  India and some coastal areas.


In recent years, considerable public concern has been generated in India on the adverse impact pf various developmental  projects  like multipurpose   river


valley schemes, petrochemical refineries, fertilizer plants, thermal power stations, etc. on environmental resources. Though such projects are beneficial to the economic development of the nation, they have often been the cause of environmental pollution,  deforestation and  soil  erosion.


Till recently the National Committee on Environmental Planning and Coordination, set up by the Government of India in 1972, was  entrusted with  the planning for sound environmental   development. Since 1 November 1980, a separate Department of Environment  has  been  created, under the charge of the Prime Minister for the pivotal role of environmental conservation  in the context of national  development. This department together with other supporting organisations, has the responsibility  for  coordinating and sponsoring environmental protection programmes in the country. It also supports development programmes undertaken by agencies within and  outside the Government.


Indian P & T Department is privileged to issue a special stamp on the World Environment Day  highlighting the need for conservation of forests which is an integral and significant component in environmental  conservation.


Source : Information Folder issued by Indian Posts & Telegraph Department, Government of India

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