Festival of India, London, Ancient Sculpture (click for stamp information)
Product Details
Product Name
Festival of India, London, Ancient Sculpture (click for stamp information)
Issue Date
23 March 1982
An excellent example of classical art of India, the beautiful sculpture depicting a grou of four deer with charming feagures, formed only a part of the decorative scheme of the famous Parvati temple at Nachna-Kuthar in Madhya Pradesh. In the original seting of the shrine, which was possibly dedicated to Shiva, this remarkable relief was fixed in a cavern like niche within the facade of jagati or scole of the Temple which itself was sculptured as a conventional hilock representing probably Siva's abode that is the sacred mount Kailasa. The superstructure bearing excellently carved doorjamb had a processional path and a storeyed-top. It was on the stylistic considerations that the shrine has been dated to Circa fifth century A.D. and is believed to mark an early stage in the growth of the northern temple architecture. The sculptures of this shrine including the carved deer exemplify fine tradition of the Gupta Art. Indian Posts and Telegraphs Department is privileged to issue a set of two special stamps on Ancient Indian Sculpture.
Source : Information Folder issued by Indian Posts & Telegraph Department, Government of India
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