Home Stamps Commemorative Stamps 1981-1983 IX Asian Games, New Delhi (7th Issue) (click for stamp information)
IX Asian Games, New Delhi (7th Issue) (click for stamp information)
IX Asian Games, New Delhi (7th Issue) (click for stamp information)

Product Details
Product Name
IX Asian Games, New Delhi (7th Issue) (click for stamp information)
Issue Date
25 November 1982

Whatever is most notable, heroic and admirable in man is brought to perfection in sports. Sports contribute to the blossoming of the spirit of human endavour which constantly seeks higher and higher levels of achievement. The ancient Greeks who instituted the Olympics realised the potentialities of organised sports apart from the virtues of individual calisthenics. The Olympic year was also a year of peace and goodwill during which the warring Greek city states declared a general truce. The Asiad is a symbol of Asian unity. It will lead to the growth of fraternity and friendship among peoples and nations while strengthening and cementing old ones.

The Asiad was instituted despite numerous obstacles and after many earlier attempts to organise such games in Asia had failed. Born under the patronage of Jawaharlal Nehru, the apostile of peace and brotherhood, the Asian Games have since led to the renaissance of sports in this Continent. In the First Asiad held in 1951, eleven countries participated with small contingents. The IX Asiad will have three times that number of participating countries.

More than 500 men and women will take part in the 21 events which include four new ones namely, equestrian, handball, golf and rowing. Delhi, which has been in the grip of grueling preparations, has now been decked to perfection with a number of new patterns and designs weaved into her fabric. One looks with wonder and admiration at the numerous fly-overs which have gracefully taken their positions as if they have been planted overnight.

The many new hotels suddenly peering into the sky and the well laid out Asiad Village are welcome signs especially to friends from abroad. Apart from the renovated sports venues, the newly built Jawaharlal Nehru stadium with synthetic tracks and the Indraprastha Indoor Stadium with its silvery dome are exquisite creations in the service of sports. The world is turning its gaze to Delhi to witness the magnificent IX Asiad starting today with pageantry, colour and jubilation. Appu, the mascot of the games, with characteristics playfulness and friendliness, extends a royal welcome to all the participants in this festival of sports.

Indian P & T Department is privileged to issue a set of four stamps on the opening day of the IX Asiad.

Source : Information Folder issued by Indian Posts & Telegraph Department, Government of India

Set of 2
Printed Quantity
3 Mill

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