Home Stamps Commemorative Stamps 1981-1983 INPEX-82, National Stamp Exhibition, New Delhi (click for stamp information)
INPEX-82, National Stamp Exhibition, New Delhi (click for stamp information)
INPEX-82, National Stamp Exhibition, New Delhi (click for stamp information)

Product Details
Product Name
INPEX-82, National Stamp Exhibition, New Delhi (click for stamp information)
Issue Date
30 December 1982

The essence of philately is the study of philatelic material and presentation of the results of the research in a meaningful fashion. Thus an important aspect of philately is periodic exhibitions to provide opportunity to the serious collectors to present their collections with the result of their research to the experts as well as the laity. The exhibition also enables the novice to learn from the display of the experts. Since Independence, Indian P & T Department has made pioneering efforts in promoting philately through exhibitions.

To celebrate the centenary of Indian postage stamp, the first International Stamp Exhibition was held in New Delhi in 1954. The first national exhibition was held in 1970 in New Delhi, the second in Calcutta (1975) and the third one at Banglore (1977). An International exhibition, INDIPEX 73 was held in New Delhi in 1973. The first international exhibition under the aegis of the Federation Internationale de Philatelie was INDIA 80, held in New Delhi in 1980. The first and perhaps the only all Asia exhibition, ASIANA 77 was held in 1977 in Banglore. Besides these national and international exhibitions, the Postmasters General have been organising exhibitions from time to time at the state, region and district levels all over the country. All these activities have generated a strong philatelic movement in the country and the Indian collectors are gaining increasing recognition in the International arena.

The Fourth India National Exhibition, INPEX-82 to be held in New Delhi from 30th December 1982 to 5th January 1983 by the P & T Department, in co-operation with the Philatelic Congress of India, is an ambitious venture. It is being held in the prestigious landmark of New Delhi, the Indraprastha Stadium, which ranks among the world's first three covered stadia.

The response has been overwhelming. A total of 409 collectors will display their exhibits spread over 1500 frames, the largest ever put up in any national exhibition. To mark the occasion, Indian Posts & Telegraphs Department is privileged to issue a set of two stamps

Source : Information Folder issued by Indian Posts & Telegraph Department, Government of India

Set of 2
Printed Quantity
2 Mill

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