Home Stamps Commemorative Stamps 1981-1983 Presentation of colours to 12, 15 and 19th Battalions of the Jat Regiment (click for stamp information)
Presentation of colours to 12, 15 and 19th Battalions of the Jat Regiment (click for stamp information)
Presentation of colours to 12, 15 and 19th Battalions of the Jat Regiment (click for stamp information)

Product Details
Product Name
Presentation of colours to 12, 15 and 19th Battalions of the Jat Regiment (click for stamp information)
Issue Date
16 February 1983

The Jat Regiment is one of the oldest Regiments of the Indian Army. Its first Battalion  was raised  in  1803 at FATEHGARH as 1/22 Bengal Native Infantry, later redesignated as 1/9 Jat Regiment. The   Battalion was bestowed the title "Light Infantry" in recognition of its epic march from Kabul to Kandahar in 1842.


During the First Afghan War, First and Second Battalions performed very meritorious actions for which the Battle Honours "Ghuznee", "Afghanistan", "Kandahar", "Kabul" were conferred on the Regiment. It was the first Battalion which brought back the Golden Gates of Somnath Temple from Ghuznee.


Between the period 1864 and 1880, the three Battalions of the Regiment fought gallantly in various theatres and earned the battle honours "Afghanistan", "Kandahar",  "Burma"  and  "China".


During the World War I, the First Battalion served in France,  Mesopotamia and North West Frontier. During World War II it served in- Burma  and  Malaya. The Second was overrun by the Japanese during the fall of Singapore in  1942.  It was later  reconstituted  in  1946.  The Third Battalion fought  the  famous  "Battle of Cauldron" against  the  German Forces under Field Marshal  Rommel.  It saw action at Imphal in 1943 and Jamadar Abdul Hafiz was posthumously  awarded the Victoria Cross. Later it also served in Java where Havildar Abdul Rehman was posthumously awarded the George Cross. The 5th, 6th and the Machinegun Battalions did commendable work during World War II in Burma. L/NK Islamuddin of 6 Jat was awarded the George  Cross at  Meiktila.


During 1965 conflict with  Pakistan the First Battalion fought  in  Ichhogil Uttar Bridge Area whilst the Third Battalion covered itself in glory by  the unique action it fought at Dograi The battle of Dograi will go down as an epic fight in the history of the Regiment. It is a symbol of courage, gallantry and supreme sacrifice.


In 1971 conflict with Pakistan, the Second, Fifth, Sixth, Twelfth and Fourteenth Battalions fought  with distinction in the Eastern Sector. They were involved in the battles of Madhumati, Comilla, Maynamati and Kumira.


Since Independence the Regiment has been awarded 3 PVSMs, 1 AVSM, 7 MVCs, 4 KCs, 32 Vir Chakras, 9 SCs and 29 Sena Medals besides numerous COAS's Commendation Cards.


The motto of the Regiment is "Sangathan Wa Veerta" which truly signifies a spirit of unity and valour.


The Twelfth, Fifteenth and Nineteenth Battalions of the Regiment raised on 6 Feb '70, 15 May '76 and 1 Aug '80 respectively have the honour of being presented Colours on 16 Feb '83 at Bareilly by the Chief of the Army Staff, General K V Krishna Rao, PVSM.


Indian Posts and Telegraphs Department is privileged to commemorate the occasion by issuing a special stamp.


Source : Information Folder issued by Indian Posts & Telegraph Department, Government of India

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