Home Stamps Commemorative Stamps 1981-1983 Hemu Kalani (click for stamp information)
Hemu Kalani (click for stamp information)
Hemu Kalani (click for stamp information)

Product Details
Product Name
Hemu Kalani (click for stamp information)
Issue Date
18 October 1983

Hemu Kalani belongs to that rare band of revolutionaries and martyrs whose indomitable  spirits  brook  no  resistance, for whom tortures of  imprisonment  have no meaning and death holds no terror. Hemu  Kalani  was so happy  in  his readiness to make the supreme sacrifice for the liberation of his  motherland, that he gained weight  during  the last  days which is most unusual for a prisoner condemned to die. While marching to the gallows; be consoled his distressed mother by reminding her of her earlier teachings of Gita regarding the indestructibility of soul. So strong was his patriotic zeal that he pledged his next life also to the cause of India's Freedom.


Hemu Kalani was born at Sukkur in Sind (now in Pakistan), on 23rd March, 1923. He was the son of late Shri Pesumal Kalani and Smt. Jethi  Bai.  He  was brave and patriotic right from his childhood. Even at the age of 7, he used to lead the boys of his locality with the tri-colour in his hands. Along with his friends, he used  to  plead  for  boycotting all foreign goods and used to take an active part in pursuading people to use Swadeshi goods. He was soon drawn to revolutionary activities and started participating in acts of terrorism for the sake of driving away the British. He was always leading in raids and in burning of vehicles belonging to the oppressors.


In 1942, when Mahatma Gandhi gave the call "Quit India" and the slogan "Do or die", Hemu Kalani also joined the mass movement. There was such active participation from the people of Sind Province in this movement  that the British rulers had to send special troops  consisting of European battalions.  When Hemu Kalani came to know that these troops and the ammunition would be arriving in Sind by a  railway train passing through his town, he decided to derail the train by removing the fishplates from the railway track. He and his friends were severely handicapped in not having any tools for loosening the nuts and bolts and for re­moving the fishplates. Time was also against them. Hemu, however, did not give up. He inspired his friends to loosen the nuts and bolts with the help of indigenous ropes and they started on this job. However, before they could complete it, they were seen by the British troops and Hemu, in his effort to save his friends, was caught. He was imprisoned and tortured to give out the names of his friends but he stubbornly refused to divulge any information. He was tried under the then prevailing martial law and sentenced to death. People of Sind petitioned for mercy to the Viceroy  but  the  death  sentence  was upheld, unless Hemu turned an approver and gave information regarding his fellow revolutionaries. There  was no question of Hemu's accepting these conditions and he welcomed the impending death  most cheerfully. This young freedom fighter and revolutionary was hung on 21st Jan. 1943.


Hemu's is an example of unflinching courage and devotion to his motherland. He participated in Mahatma Gandhi's movements and at the same time, took recourse to terrorist activities also to drive away the foreigners who were keeping India captive. The names of patriots like Hemu Kalani would always be remembered fondly while studying the history of India's Freedom Struggle.


Indian Posts and Telegraphs Department is privileged to issue a commemorative stamp in the memory of this great martyr.


Source : Information Folder issued by Indian Posts & Telegraph Department, Government of India

Printed Quantity
1.5 Mill

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