Home Stamps Commemorative Stamps 1984-1986 150th Anniversary of Medical College, Madras (click for stamp information)
150th Anniversary of Medical College, Madras (click for stamp information)
150th Anniversary of Medical College, Madras (click for stamp information)

Product Details
Product Name
150th Anniversary of Medical College, Madras (click for stamp information)
Issue Date
06 March 1985

The  Madras Medical College and Government  General  Hospital  are  at a very  important stage  in their  history, in that, medical education in Madras has been imparted for more than  one  and  a  half centuries. On 7th of February 1835, this great institution was founded as a medical school imparting modern  medical  education by  an order of the East India Company. From then on succeeding Governments  have regularised and organised modern medical  teaching  in this institution raising it to the present position. With  a  bare  minimum  of ten students intake in 1835,  in 1985  the college now has an annual intake of 175 students for MBBS  and  roughly  400 to 500 students  for  Post-graduate  medical degrees and diplomas. The attached medical  institutions  have  a  coverage of about  6000  beds  and  cater not only to the instructional needs of the students but also as a major source of medicare for the entire  city of  Madras and  the state plus the  adjoining  areas, as well. This development  has been  phenomenal and is mainly due to, the munificencen of the public, the Government and the co-operation of the entire population. What was proposed to cater to the needs of the city alone has now grown to an enormous size comprising about 40  acres of land in which there are now two institutions. On an average the college turns out 150 to 160 graduates every year. It caters to the needs of Madras population,  treating about 25 lakhs out-door patients  and about one lakh indoor patients every year. This volume of work is completely met by the student trainees, doctors as well as senior  teachers. This institution has had great names associated with it, bringing fame and name to this country all over the world.

Any list of towering personalities, who served  or  passed  through  the portals of the  institution  is  bound  to be too long; But mention must be made  of  personalities  like  Dr. James Anderson, Dr. James Annesley, Lt. Col. Donovan, who investigated  the  cause  of  KALAZAAR in the wards of this  institution  itself. Notable among  the Indians  are Dr.  Guruswami Mudaliar, Sir A.L. Mudaliar, Col. Pandalal and Dr. S. Rangachari. Today this  institution has  spread its wings into a multifold post-graduate  institution with 52 Specialists, 170 Professors, 600 Assistant Medical Officers, about 1400  under gradutes, and 1000 post-graduates and a host of staff to cater to the needs of  the state and the neighbouring states. Higher specialities of cardiac catheterisation labs, genetic laboratory, CT scan devices, immunological laboratories, ultra structural laboratory, apart from animal and tissue laboratories are some of the latest modalities available in the  Madras Medical College.

The Indian Postal Department is proud to issue a commemorative postage stamp on the completion of 150 years by this premier institute of medical education in Madras and the country.

Source : Information Folder issued by Indian Posts & Telegraph Department, Government of India

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1.5 Mill

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