Home Stamps Commemorative Stamps 1984-1986 India's Struggle for Freedom (3rd Series) (click for stamp information)
India's Struggle for Freedom (3rd Series) (click for stamp information)
 India's Struggle for Freedom (3rd Series) (click for stamp information)

Product Details
Product Name
India's Struggle for Freedom (3rd Series) (click for stamp information)
Issue Date
21 July 1985

Jairamdas Doulatram, one of the tallest, noblest, and highly respected leaders of India, was born in Karachi in a distinguished Sindhi family on July 21, 1891.  His academic career was brilliant throughout.  After  taking  his degree  in law, he started legal practice,  but  soon gave it up as it often led to conflict with his conscience.


In 1915, Jairamdas came into personal contact with Mahatma Gandhi, who had then returned from South Africa, and became his devoted follower. At the Amritsar session of the Indian National Congress in 1919, he worded Gandhiji's resolution in such a way that it avoided an impending rift between Gandhiji and his other Congress colleagues. Since then Gandhiji came to repose great faith in him. Gandhiji spoke of him as "one of the greatest persons in India".  He used to compare him with pure gold and say : "I swear by Jairamdas. Truer man I have not had the honour of meeting."


Jairamdas enjoyed the trust and affection of Mrs. Sarojini Naidu who described him as a "Lamp in  the  Desert" because of his services in the Sind, which was mostly a desert. His ties  with  Sardar Patel and Dr. Rajendera Prasad were also very close.


Jairamdas actively participated in all the movements of Gandhiji right from the Non-co-operation   movement  of  1920 to the  "Quit  India"  movement of  1942 and in the process suffered imprisonment several times. He served as a member of the Congress Working Committee from 1928 to 1940 and was twice elected as the General Secretary of the Congress in 1929 and 1934.


Jairamdas was a veteran journalist, too. For varying periods, he was the editor of The Hindu, The Hindustan Times and of Gandhiji's weekly Young India. In 1924, he was appointed as the General Secretary of the All-India Hindu-Muslim Unity Conference. In 1926, he was elected to the Bombay Legislative Council, only to renounce  it and  become the  Secretary of the  Foreign   Cloth   Boycott   Committee in obedience to the wishes of Gandhiji.


In the Salt Satyagraha of 1930, Jairamdas sustained a bullet wound in his thigh in police firing at Karachi. Gandhiji sent a congratulatory telegram saying : ''Consider Jairamdas most fortunate, Bullet wound in thigh  better  than  prison, Wound   heart  better  still." And   in   a speech  paying  glowing tribute  to  him, Gandhiji  said :  The intelligence  that  he possesses and the prestige he enjoys are as great as his purity.


After the Individual Satyagraha of 1933. in-Which he worked as the President of the Indian National Congress, he engaged himself, in the constructive activities of  the Congress like  harijan  and village work. In 1934, he was  appointed as Chairman of the Bombay Textile Wage Committee  and  also  a  member  of   the Central  Board  of  the  Village  Industries Association.


Jairamdas became a member  of the Constituent Assembly of  India in  1946 and, on  August 15,   1947,  with  India's Independence he   was   appointed the Governor of Bihar. In 1948, he be­came the Union Minister  for   Food   and Agriculture,  and  from  1950  to  1955 he functioned  as  the  Governor  of  Assam. For some time in  1957, he was  the Chief Editor of the Collect d Works of Mahatma Gandhi, he was nominated  to the  Rajya Sabha and continued to be its member till 1976. It was due to his indefatigable efforts that the Sindhi language was recognised by the Govt. of India as one of the National Languages.


Jairamdas was  a man of vision and a rare personal charm. He exuded nobility and purity of  mind  in every walk of life. He breathed his last on March, 1st 1979 in Delhi.


The  Department of Posts, India is proud to issue a special postage  stamp in honour of this veteran freedom  fighter and national leader.


Source : Information Folder issued by Indian Posts & Telegraph Department, Government of India

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