Home Stamps Commemorative Stamps 1984-1986 Completion of 25 Years Service by INS Vikrant (click for stamp information)
Completion of 25 Years Service by INS Vikrant (click for stamp information)
Completion of 25 Years Service by INS Vikrant (click for stamp information)

Product Details
Product Name
Completion of 25 Years Service by INS Vikrant (click for stamp information)
Issue Date
16 February 1986

The Silver Jubilee of I.N.S. Vikrant, India's only aircraft carrier falls on 16 Feb. 1986. Vikrant will be completing 25 years of glorious sevice which is a matter of pride not only for the Indin Navy but the entire country. As a flagship she has always kept the Navy's flag flying high and her service to the country, particularly during 1971 war, shall always be remembered. Initially known as Hercules, Vikrant is one of the 6 Majestic class aircraft carriers. Hercules was purchased by the Government of India in Jan. 1957 and the ship was commissioned as INS-Vikrant on 16 Feb 1961. Smt. Vijayalakshmi Pandit the then High Commissioner of India, formally took over the ship from Mr. Orr Ewing, the Civil Lord of the Asmiralty on 4 Mar. 1961. Soon after arrival, Vikrant took part in the liberation of Goa in Dec. 1961.

The air squadrons of INS-Vikrant participated in the 1965 hostilties. During the Pakistan aggression in 1971 Vokrant showed her real prowess. As the flag ship of the Eastern Fleet, commencing on 4 Dec. 1971. she launched strikes on Cox Bazar, Chttagong airfield and ships in harbour of Chalna, Khulna and Mongla. The part played by Vikrant in the 1971 operations undoubtedly helped hasten the surrender of Pakistani troops thus giving birth to our new neighbour Bangladesh. In 1971, the Navy acquired Seaking anti-submarine helicopters which formed an important part of Vikrant's inventory thus making Vikrant a composite ASW unit. The aging Sea-Hawk fighters were replaced by the modern VSTOL Sea Harriers aircraft in 1983.

The Seaking are also being augmented with highly sophisticated and modern sensors. With the fighters and ASW aircraft and helicopters, Vikrant is capable of providing protection to any theat may it be sub-surface, surface or air. The Department of Posts is privileged to issue a commemorative postage stamp on the silver jubilee of INS Vikrant.

Source : Information Folder issued by Indian Posts & Telegraph Department, Government of India

Printed Quantity
1.5 Mill

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