Home Stamps Commemorative Stamps 1984-1986 Bicentenary of Madras GPO (click for stamp information)
Bicentenary of Madras GPO (click for stamp information)
Bicentenary of Madras GPO (click for stamp information)

Product Details
Product Name
Bicentenary of Madras GPO (click for stamp information)
Issue Date
09 October 1986

Madras G.P.O. is one of the three unique offices in the country called as Presidency Offices, the other two being Bombay and Calcutta. It was opened on 1/6/1786 in a building on the beach in Fort. St. George Square. It was shifted to a building in Fort. St. George on 1/10/1837 commonly called the Old Bank near the North GAte (vide noticification in Fort. St. George Gaazatte dated 20/9/1837). It was furthwr moved to the premises in George Town known as Garden House next to general market as per notice in Fort.St. George Gaazett dated 4/1/1856. The G.P.O. was shifted to the present building on 26/4/1884. As per notice in Fort. St. George Gazette dated 25/3/1834 subsidary Post Offices were opened at Vepery and Royapettah for transmission of letters to Madras G.P.O. on payment of 1/2 Anna over and above the regulated postage.

MADRAS G.P.O. was form the beginning a pioneer Post Office in providing better postal facilities to the public.The Post rates in Madras presidency were cheaper than at calcutta upto 1837 when uniform postage was introduced all over india. MADRAS G.P.O. was the forst to introduce window delivery of letters in 1850 while no search facility was available at Calcutta. There was a boat contractor to bring mails from steamer to harbour. No other person except one Postal official on duty was allowed in the boat. The mails were carried from harbour to G.P.O. in bullock cart with 3 Coolis accompanied by a Postal official.

On opening on 1/6/1786 the staff at Madras G.P.O. consisted of Postmaster General, 1 Deputy Postmaster General, 1 Writer or NAtive Assistant, 5 Sorters (Clerks), 1 Head Peon and 10 Peons (Postmen) for disturbing letters . A Deputy postmaster was appointed for distributing letters. A Deputy Postmaster was appointed for Masulipatnam, Ganjam, Tanjore and Anjango. The Postmaster General had the control of the whole establishment. The present site of warfare and it was called as 'ABER CROMBEL BATTERY' called perhaps after a Scion of the English nobility of the same name.

The site for the construction of the building was finally selected in 1873 and the construction work entrusted to Mr. R.F. Chosolm. In 1884, at a cost of * 60,000/= (variously mentioned as Rupees six lakhs to eight lakhs in terms of rupees inthe reports of the period) to the exchequer, the buildings of Madras G.P.O. and Government Telegraph Office occupying a little over 55,000 sq. ft. were completed. On 1/3/1884, Saturday, the office of the Postmaster General moved their departments into the buildings from the Chartered Merchantile Bank building in the North Bench Road, folowed on 9/3/1884, Sunday by the Government Telegraph Office.

The buildings, however began to reverberate with full-bloded activity, when the Post Office, moved on 26/4/1884 Saturday, and business was thrown open to the public at 11.00 am that day.

Source : Information Folder issued by Indian Posts & Telegraph Department, Government of India

Printed Quantity
1.5 Mill

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