Home Stamps Commemorative Stamps 1987-1988 Shree Shree Ma Anandamayeeclick for stamp information)
Shree Shree Ma Anandamayeeclick for stamp information)
Shree Shree Ma Anandamayeeclick for stamp information)

Product Details
Product Name
Shree Shree Ma Anandamayeeclick for stamp information)
Issue Date
01 May 1987

Sree Sree Ma Anandmayee is a unique phenominon in recent dcades in the realm of Spiritualism. She was born on April 30, 1896 in a simple hamlet called Kheora (now in Bangladesh) in a pious brahmin family. She was then afectionately called Nirmala by her parents- father Bipin Bihari Bhattacharya and mother Mokashada Sundari Devi Ilater known as Swami Muktananda Giriji, after she took Sanyasa in 1938). The little Nirmala grew up to become an exceptioanlly beautiful and lovable girl and only at the age of 13 she was married to Remani Mohan Chakravarty on Feb. 7, 1909 who was later known as Bholanath Pitaji.

He got initiation from Ma in December, 1922 and perhaps was her first evotee and disciple about whom Ma had said, "he had an extre-ordinary life of self-denial and rigorous ascertion." Though born in the rmote corner of an unknown village (Kheora) in Comilla (now in Bangladesh) and literally unlettered, without having any formal scholing worth the name, she had surprisingly given, in course of time, all the indications of ever remaiing immersed in self-knowledge, completely identified with Brahman, the unmanifest. She had always been fully self-conscious and her vision was beyond time and space. She caselessely traveled all over the country showering love and compassion upon all rich and poor-irrespective of caste, creed, colour and religion. Many top ranking political leaders, freedom fighters, thinkers, scientists, government officilas and public men used to meet her from time to time only to renew their faith and receive the grace and healing touch of an afectionate mother.

Perhaps, by her serene saintly living and special revalations, unknown to others, she hadestablished a very high position of esteem amongst the various sects of saghus in India. Sree Sree Ma Anandamayee did not seel to establish any special spiritual philosophy of her own. She, rather affirmed the faith and convictions of all religious disciplines. She always emphasized the need to bring abpout perfect samyama (self-discipline) in one's thought, speech and action with a view to living only in the sphere of truth.

These days, when the people are moving away from traditional values and are being pulled in different undesirable directions, Sree Sree ma Anandamayee, by her firm uphlding of the traditional values and endorsement of spiritual injunctions, stood at the cross-roads at a critical juncture enlighteneing the rudderless to tead courageously the corect path leading to self-knowledge. During the span of her sojourn in the country over two dozen beautiful Ashrams in her name and quite a few other charitable institutions (e.g. Vidyapeeth, Kanyapeeth, Publications Divisions etc.) have been established in different places which are rendering yeomen service to the nation. Sree Sree Ma Anandamayee hed left her physical frame on August 27, 1982.

Her body was laid in Maha Samadhi at Sree Sree Anandamayee Ashram in Kankhal on August 29, 1982. A beautiful new shrine christened "Ananda Jyoti Peetham" has come up there which is being ceremonially inaugurated on the auspicious Akshay Tritiya day - May 1, 1987. Sree Sree Ma's Murti (statue) is also being instaled there the same day.

The Department of Posts is privileged to issue the commemorative stamp in honour of Sree Sree Ma Anandamayee.

Source : Information Folder issued by Indian Posts & Telegraph Department, Government of India

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