Home Stamps Commemorative Stamps 1987-1988 International Year of Shelter for the Homeless (click for stamp information)
International Year of Shelter for the Homeless (click for stamp information)
International Year of Shelter for the Homeless (click for stamp information)

Product Details
Product Name
International Year of Shelter for the Homeless (click for stamp information)
Issue Date
05 October 1987

The United Nations Genaral Assembly has designated the year 1987 as the International Year of Shelter to the Homeless. The two objectives of the year are:- (i) to improve the shelter and neighbourhoods of some of the poor and disadvantaged by 1987, and (ii) to demonstrate, by the year 2000, ways and means of improving the shelter and neighbourhoods of the poor and disadvantaged. Government of India attaches the highest importance to the provision of shelter to the shelterless. Our Five Year Plans have always included provision of shelter as a priority item. In the view 20-Point Programme, 1986:- Point No. 14: (i) to make available house sites to the rural people, (ii) to expand programmes of house construction, (iii) to lay special emphasis on construction of houses for scheduled castes and schedule tribes, (iv) to develop low cost building materials. Point No. 15: a) to restrict the growth of slums, b) to provide basic facilities in existing slum areas, and c) to rncourage planned house building in urban areas, aimed at improving the lot of the shelterless.

During the Sixth Five Year Plan and also during the first two years of Seventh Five Year Plan, about 69 lakh house sites have been provided to the rural lanless families and 26 lakh families have been provided with construction assistance. During the same period, 11 lakh units have been constructed under the Scheme of Housing for the economically weaker sections and 126 lakh slum dwellers have benefitted under the Programme of Environmental Improvement of Urban Slums. In pursuance of IYSH, 1987, State Governments and Union Territory Administrations who are responsible for the implementation of the Housing Schemes have ben requested to identify demonstration projects and implement the same.

Most of the States have taken steps in this direction and schemes have been launched for alleviating housing shortage with partcular emphasis on providing shelter to the homeless population. 187 projects under IYSH have also been sanctioned by HUDCO which wil benefit a million persons. Indira Aware Yojna launched in 1985 envisages construction of 10 lakh houses for Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes rural areas. So far about 3.25 lakh units have ben sanctioned.

The Department of Posts is happy to issue a special stamp on the theme of International Year of Shelter for the Homeless.

Source : Information Folder issued by Indian Posts & Telegraph Department, Government of India

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1.5 Mill

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