Home Stamps Commemorative Stamps 1987-1988 Centenary of Service to Blind (click for stamp information)
Centenary of Service to Blind (click for stamp information)
Centenary of Service to Blind (click for stamp information)

Product Details
Product Name
Centenary of Service to Blind (click for stamp information)
Issue Date
15 October 1987

God's great gift - is dented to millions, often though ignorane or neglect. India today has approximately one0fourth of the total blind population of the world. The problem requires preventive, curative and supportive measures to tackle it. Undernourishment and insanitary health conditions have to be prevented. Among curable blindness is the one dut to corneal opacity caused by nutriional (particularly Vit A) deficiency, injury, desease or infections. The clouded cornea is removed and replace by a healthy one taken from the eye of a recently deceased person by means of a relaively simple operation caled enucleation. The cornea is supplied through an eye bank. Each donor brings light into two dark lives. There is, however, a paicity of donour eyes in India.

Times Eye Research Foundation, founded in 1983 makes the process of pledging donation and acquiring donated eyes simpler. It also educates the public on the need for eye donation. Sometimes, however, human efforts fail. Into such lives hope comes from the Schools for Blind, which began first in Paris at the end of the 18th century.

Louis Braille's system of embossed reading and writing has lifted the burden of helplessness from the blind. The first school was established in India in 1887 at Amritsar. This year completes a century of service to the blind. Bharti Braille, te all-India system of reading and writing, was accepted by the Government of India in 1951. The blind have kept pace with technology development, working at telephone operating, computer programming, electronic assembly and production of electronic items. Among other concessions, the government reserves posts for blind. The All India Confederation of the Blinds provides the essential solidarity and guidance.

The blind have come a long way from charity to social equality and independence. Material for text, courtesy: Times Eye Research Foundation and All India Confederation of the Blind.

Source : Information Folder issued by Indian Posts & Telegraph Department, Government of India

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