Home Stamps Commemorative Stamps 1987-1988 Samarth Ramdas (click for stamp information)
Samarth Ramdas (click for stamp information)
Samarth Ramdas (click for stamp information)

Product Details
Product Name
Samarth Ramdas (click for stamp information)
Issue Date
01 May 1988

Samarth Ramdas, the spiritual advisor of Shivaji, was born in Jamb, a village on the banks of the Godavari in 1608 and was named Narayan.


As a child he favoured solitude and secluded places, engrossed in his own thoughts. He ran away from home and became a mendicant in the forests of Maharashtra. He meditated and practised austerities for about 12 years, later starting out on a pilgrimage which covered the land  from  Tanjore  to  Badrinath.


What  he  saw  of  the  social  and  religious difficulties of the Hindus at that time led to a revival of the concept of Maharashtra dharma, a concept of determined action by the common people to oust oppressors: Ramdas considered a disciplined life and resistance essential for political freedom.


This philosophy found expression in his work, 'Dasbodh', which was to inspire the Marathas for generations. The book deals with "Adhyatma" i.e. the relationship between the Absolute and the individual soul and self realisation, and it also forms a compendium of worldly wisdom.


Samarth Ramdas met Shivaji, a meeting which had a deep influence on both men. Shivaji acquired a spiritual mentor and Ramdas, an embodiment of his philosophy  around whom others could rally. Ramdas spent the rest of his life mobilising Marathas and infusing the spirit of  the  Maharashtra  Dharma  in  them.


He set up Maruti Temples and a network of Ramdasi  Maths which  became  centres of  workship and for dispersal of his philosophy. All his work stresses the need for the common man to discharge his duty towards religion, community and  country.


Swami  Ramdas  passed  away  in  1682.


Source : Information Folder issued by Indian Posts & Telegraph Department, Government of India

Printed Quantity
1 Mill

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