Love and Care of Elders (click for stamp information)
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Love and Care of Elders (click for stamp information)
The fourtieth year of Independence constitutes an important milestone in the nation's journey to redeem its pledge towards assuring justice and fulness which weighed uppermost in the mind of Shri Jawarlal Nehru, on the attainment of political freedom, was the content of "our endeavour to ring freedom and opportunity to the common man, to the peasants ans workers of India; to fight and end poverty and ingnorance and desease." Tha nation has made tremendous strides to redeem these pledges. The achievements have been monumental; the Green revolution has ushered in an era of freedom of hunger. The country has built a strong industrial base, bringing it on to the threshold of a major breakthrough in the scientific and technological fields.
The 4oth anniversary also mark a watershed in the history of the nation. A new generation imbued with the spirit of resurgent nationalism has taken over the torch from the generation which preceded it and links with the freedom struggle. This is threfore an appropriate time to lok back and remember the services of our senior citizens and elders who made an invaluable contribution to consolidate the gains of political freedom, nurturing the democratic institutions and building the nation to achieve self-reliance. All worked for these goals whether they were within the Government of outside. During these years the Government has taken a number of measures to provide social security to the senior citizens and elders within the resources available.
For those who retired from Governmental service, the pension structure has been rationalised, procedures have been streamlined and coverage of family pension scheme has been enlarged and extended. For the very old citizens without any means, the State Governments are providing old age pension. Family pension scheme under the Employee's Provident Fund and Miscellaneous Provisions Act has been liberalised.
The nation salutes its elders and reaffirms the traditional values of "love and care for the elders" while pledging to continue the effort with greater vigour to bring the benefits of development to every individual.
Source : Information Folder issued by Indian Posts & Telegraph Department, Government of India
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