Birth Centenary of Kisan Kesari Baldev Ramji Mirdha (click for stamp information)
Product Details
Product Name
Birth Centenary of Kisan Kesari Baldev Ramji Mirdha (click for stamp information)
Issue Date
17 January 1989
Shri Baldev Ramji Mirdha was born on 17th January 1889 in a farmer's family in village Kuchera in District Nagaur of Rajasthan. He passed Matric examination and joined service in the former Jodhpur State. By dint of hard work and honesty he rose to become a high police official. His interest and commitment however lay elsewhere. At that time lot of farmers was very unenviable everywhere but much more so in the native States. He found the feudal exploitation of farmers unbearable and vowed in his heart to fight it. He started the Marwar Kisan Sabha to organise farmers and held many massive rallies and demonstrations.
After the formation of Rajasthan he established the Rajasthan Kisan Sabha and enlarged the ambit of his activities. He was working i cooperation with Lok Parishad and Congress leaders like Jai Narayan Vyas. It was after consultations with Jawaharlal Nehru and Govind Vallabh Pant that Rajasthan Kisan Sabha was merged with the Indian National Congress on the eve of the first General Elections. Baldev Ramji Mirdha was a great social worker and made it the foundation of his political work. He started a movement for helping the backward classes and enabling them to take water from the village well. He satrted a movement for abolition of customs like feasts after death.
These activities enraged the entrenched leaders of society who carried on a tirade against him. He believed that education was necessaary for liberating an individual and started a number of schools and hostels in rural areas. Students from these institutions are in the forefront of political and social life of the State. His various activities for organising the Kisans fighting of their right to be masters of the land that they cultivated earned him the title of "kisan Kesari".
He died on 2nd August 1953 in harness while going to address a Kisan Conference.
Source : Information Folder issued by Indian Posts & Telegraph Department, Government of India
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1 Mill
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