Home Stamps Commemorative Stamps 1989-1991 Mustafa Kemal Ataturk (click for stamp information)
Mustafa Kemal Ataturk (click for stamp information)
Mustafa Kemal Ataturk (click for stamp information)

Product Details
Product Name
Mustafa Kemal Ataturk (click for stamp information)
Issue Date
30 August 1989

Maustafa Kemal Atarturk, the Founder and Frist President of the Republic of Turkey, was born in 181 in a modest family. After completing secondary education, he entered the Mylitary Lycee. After graduating from the Military Lycee, he went on to join the Insatnbul War School from where he graduated with honours. In 1905, he received his diploma as Captain from the Military Staff Academy. As a staff officer his work was soon apreciated. Between 1905 and 1918, he obtained with merit, superior grades in the military hierarchy.

He showed exceptional qualities of organisation and control while at the head of the army. He represented Turkish Armed Forces at several military manoeuveres in Europe. In 1911 he fought aginst Italians in Tripoli and in 1914 he was Military Atache in Sofia. During the First World War he fought aginst the British and Russian forces. He started the Turkish War of National Liberation onMay 19, 1919. After the First World War when Turkey was invaded and Western Anatolia occupied, he started preparations for the warof National Independence from Samsun, a port of Black Sea Coast. He stated his army very clearly "... This country under all circumstances, will become modern, civilized and innovative...". After the attainment of indepedence in 1922, Ataturk's main activities consisted of focussing on reforms aimed at modernizing the nation. He abolished the Sultanate in 1922 and proclaimed the Republic in 1923.

The Khalifat as well as all theocratical institutions were done away with in 1924. He introduced the principles of the new state. A variety of socio-political reforms were introduced. Adoption of international calender and time, adoption of new secular laws, adoption of Latin alphabet, law changing the situation of women i economic and social life (right to vote and be elected) are some of his main reforms. Ataturk's guide in life was science. His views on education "... required generations which were absolutely free in thought, conscience and education." The basic idea and spiritual and intellectual aspect of Ataturk's views were based on universal Peace. All his life he considered war as a crime. According to him, war was justified, however, as an instrument to define justice. It is in the light of his belief, that Ataturk formulated the most essential principle of the Republic of Turkey. "Peace at home, peace in the world". The National Liberation Movement in Turkey evolved strong support in India.

The Indian support was not only moral - a fund raised with the collection of individual contributions was sent to Turkey, which was used to equip a full fledged regiment. jawaharlal Nehru often cited Ataturk as a shining example for India in its strugle for freedom.In a speech in 1928, Nehru said .. "We have seen what can be done in a brief span of years and even months by Kemal Pasha who is not afraid to break through ancient custom and prejudice. What has been done in the manner of Kemal Pasha, by fearlessly facing obstacles and removing them and not waiting till the crack of doom for slow reform....".

Source : Information Folder issued by Indian Posts & Telegraph Department, Government of India

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