Home Stamps Commemorative Stamps 1989-1991 SAARC Year of the Girl Child (click for stamp information)
SAARC Year of the Girl Child (click for stamp information)
SAARC Year of the Girl Child (click for stamp information)

Product Details
Product Name
SAARC Year of the Girl Child (click for stamp information)
Issue Date
05 September 1990

The International Women's Year and Women's Decade, 1975-85, were responsible for sensitising the world opinion to the need for elimination of gender discrimination. Efforts to ensure equality of men and women flow from the past traditions of our culture and have been strngthened by the sacrifies made by women during the fredom struggle. The Indian Constitution has recognised the needfor equality between the sexes. Whenever the State finds any criminal or civil injustice to women, it has without any hestation, legislated against them.

The Governemnt Machinery was revitalised to guide, co-ordinate and review the efforts of both Government and non-Government organisations working for the development of women and a full fledged Deartment of women & Child Development was established.

India is the Chairperson of the SAARC Technical Committee on Women in Development. The Joint Communique issued during the Ministerial meeting held in May 1986 at Shillong paved the wayfor co-operation amongthe SAARC membercountries in the area of Women in Development The desire to direct cooperative efforts on development of the Girl Child was re-inforced with the decisionof the SAARC Summit held in Islamabad in December, 1988 todeclare 1990 as the SAARC Year of the Girl Child.

The fact that he Girl Child is deprived on her due share of love, care and attention and is a victim of discrimination and oppression even by those who are supposed to bring her up on equal footing with the boys, culminated in the said decision of the SAARC Summit.

An Action Plan for India includes programmes of advocacy aimed atremoving the exisitng sex barriers and creating a favourable atmosphere in the society for the acceptance and overall development of the Girl Child on equal terms with boys.

Source : Information Folder issued by Indian Posts & Telegraph Department, Government of India

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1 Mill

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