Home Stamps Commemorative Stamps 1989-1991 International Literacy Year (click for stamp information)
International Literacy Year (click for stamp information)
International Literacy Year (click for stamp information)

Product Details
Product Name
International Literacy Year (click for stamp information)
Issue Date
08 September 1990

The United Nations General Assembly has proclaimed 1990 as the International Literacy Year (ILY) and has invited UNESCO to assume the  role  of  lead  organisation  for  preparation and observance of the year. The UNESCO has listed certain major objectives for observing this year. These include, increasing the thrust by governments on literacy programmes, increasing public awareness on the dimensions and implications of illiteracy, increasing public participation in the programme, increasing cooperation and solidarity amongst Member States and launching a plan of action for complete eradication of illiteracy by 2000 AD.


Literacy is one of the basic human virtues in the present day society. The modern world with it s advancement in science and technology requires effective literacy to enable an individual to meaningfully participate in the society. Only a  literate  individual  can  keep  pace  with  fast changing socio-economic situation. Equality of human rights can be fully achieved only when there is mass literacy. In a developing economy like India the need for mass literacy is even more acute. The benefit  of Government policies for integrated rural development will percolate in a greater manner to rural  masses if they are literate,  which  would  make  them  conscious about govt. schemes and enable them to avail the benefits. Illiteracy  leads to ignorance and ignorance of right or opportunity available makes  such right or opportunity non existent. For the comprehensive  development  of any nation it is essential that its countrymen should be literate. What is essential for a nation is true for world community as such.


The ILY was launched in the country by the Prime Minister at a national function held at New Delhi on 22.1.90. The spirit behind observing ILY in the country is to view it as a summon to action than a mere celebration. Among the various activities being organised are; environment building through mass media; mass campaign s for complete eradication of illiteracy in Goa, Kerala and Pondicherry and several selected districts/ block in other States/ UTs; large involvement of students, educational institution s and other sections of the society in literacy programmes; and organising Bharat Gyan Vigyan Jatha to cover 70,000 village s among others.


Source : Information Folder issued by Indian Posts & Telegraph Department, Government of India

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