Home Stamps Commemorative Stamps 1989-1991 Historic Cities of India (click for stamp information)
Historic Cities of India (click for stamp information)
Historic Cities of India (click for stamp information)

Product Details
Product Name
Historic Cities of India (click for stamp information)
Issue Date
24 December 1990

India's is an ancient civilisation which has seen the rise and fall of many kingdoms and cities. Many of its cities, through hundreds of years old, are still vibrant with life today. To draw attention to this rich legacy, Department of Posts proposes to issue special stamps on historic cities of India from time to time. Our first set consists of special stamps on Bikaner, Cuttack and Hyderabad. The city of Bikaner was founded in 1488 by Rao Bika, son of Rao Jodha, the founder of Jodhpur. Bika laid the foundation of a city which has endured the vicissitudes of five centuries of turbulent history. Junagarh Fort was built by Raja Rai Singh a century later. Situated in the heart of great Thar desert with its oppressive and hostile climate, Bikaner has yet flourished i arts, crafts and culture. The Anup Sanskrit Library is world renowned. Maharaja Ganga Singh, who modenised the city besides building numerous public utilities and the Lalgarh Palace, also constructed th longest brick-lined canal in 1927. with its rich cultural heritage, Bikaner is one of the foremost tourist spots in rajasthan.

Source : Information Folder issued by Indian Posts & Telegraph Department, Government of India

Set of 3
Printed Quantity
1 Mill

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