International conference on Drug Abuse, Calcutta (click for stamp information)
Product Details
Product Name
International conference on Drug Abuse, Calcutta (click for stamp information)
Issue Date
05 March 1991
Drug abuse is increasingly becoming a cause of serious concern to all nations. This is specially true for developing nations, including India, where the problem is not confined to any particular group or section of society. With the erosion of social controls and the emergence of drug trafficking as one of the worst forms of organised crime, the problem has become more accentuated. It affects the well being and welfare of the population at large and also poses an unprecedented threat to the quality of life for the next generation.
The long term effect of drugs is about the same as that of a bullet to the head. Despite this, people all over the world, both educated and ignorant are increasingly accepting them as a part of a lifestyle. This problem has now reached epidemic proportions.
The Government of India has adopted a three-pronged strategy to combat the problem of drug abuse. Firstly, preventing the spread of drug abuse by building awareness and educating the people about its ill-effects; secondly dealing with drug addicts through a well rounded programme of motivation, counseling, treatment follow-up and rehabilitation; and thirdly curbing illicit trafficking in drugs within the country and across the borders.
Mere regional or national efforts to contain it are, however, not enough and it is increasingly becoming evident that the solution can only spring from an international perspective. Thus an international consensus on developing a strategy to combat illegal drug trafficking and abuse is required.
To this end, an International Conference on Drug Abuse (COMBAT) is being held at Calcutta for drawing up an action programme for various measures to be taken by national government for containing and eliminating the vice of drug abuse.
To draw attention and to arouse interest in eliminating this malaise, the Department of Posts is releasing a special stamp.
Source : Information Folder issued by Indian Posts & Telegraph Department, Government of India
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