Home Stamps Commemorative Stamps 1992-1995 Phad Scroll Painting : Dev Narayan (click for stamp information)
Phad Scroll Painting : Dev Narayan (click for stamp information)
Phad Scroll Painting : Dev Narayan (click for stamp information)

Product Details
Product Name
Phad Scroll Painting : Dev Narayan (click for stamp information)
Issue Date
02 September 1992

There is a rich tradition of story telling in our country. Stories of heroes and their heroic deeds are sung, danced or dramatized in various traditional ways. Pad or Phad is one such medium from Rajasthan. It is a large painted scroll depicting the stories of legendary heroes like Dev Narayan and Pabuji. A Phad with painted stories from the life of Dev Narayan is popularly known as ‘Dev Narayan Ki Phad’.
The composition and arrangement of various scenes in the Phad are juxtaposed in such a way that the main character i.e. Dev Narayan falls in the centre. He is shown with a cobra in front of him, which is a symbolic representation of Dev Narayan riding the Basag Nag, the king of snakes. He has a flower in one hand and a sword in the other. On either side of this figure there are stories related to the Bagravat clan of which Dev Narayan is a member. These stories include scenes of birth, marriage, courts and wars.
The Phad is narrated by the Bhopas, who have a talent for dancing and singing and belong to the caste of Rajputs, Gujjars, Kumbhars or Balais. Bhopas in a group of two, narrate from the Phad while highlighting the appropriate illustration with the help of a lamp or diya.
A three string instrument called the Jantar is used as an accompaniment to their narration and dancing. This instrument is also meant to invoke the gods before and during the performance.
Source : Information Folder issued by Indian Posts & Telegraph Department, Government of India

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