150 Years of Service of Sisters of Jesus and Mary in India (click for stamp information)
Product Details
Product Name
150 Years of Service of Sisters of Jesus and Mary in India (click for stamp information)
Issue Date
13 November 1992
It all began in Lyons, France, in the splintered heart of an 18 year old girl, a girl who lived through the brutalities and want on destruction of the French Revolution. Claudine Thevenet witnessed and lived through the harrowing experience of the execution of her two brothers, but her sorrow sharpened her sensibilities. She realised that it was particularly the young girls who were helpless hostages to the horrors of war and revolution. She perceived women as the heart of society and felt that refining of the hearts of these young girls through education was the deep and durable answer. This faith was given shape to and the congregation of Jesus and Mary was evolved with the main aim of providing for helpless girls a suitable atmosphere for growth. The movement spread from France and when the Vicar Apostolie of Tiet and Hindustan appealed for sisters who would be prepared to serve as educators, the Sisters of Jesus and Mary were requested to consider the appeal. On January 27, 1842 the chosen band of inheritors of Claudine’s spirit left for India; a group of five French nuns and an Irish novice. The Journey from Marseilles to Agra lasted 10 months owing to several mishaps.
They entered Bombay harbour on June 3, 1842 but sailed again to go round the Sub continent. On November 13, 1842 the sisters reached Agra and immediately took up their mission. The sisters opened a boarding school for the European children of the military staff and simultaneously they dared to start an orphanage for the young Indian girls. The Sisters saw that the only lasting solution to the poverty, squalor and misery around them lay in creating an awareness of self worth through education. Their aim was therefore quite distinct from the British Governments desire to educate men for clerical posts in the civil services.
The French Sisters were followed by other sisters from France and then by Irish, English, Spanish and many more from other parts of the World. The Sisters went on to extend their work beyond the cities after independence, and today they have 11 rural projects, where they have boarding for girls who attend the local village school. The girls are fed and sheltered, taught hygiene and house keeping together with useful trades like knitting and tailoring.
The Sisters serve in 39 institutions in eight states. They have three colleges including one in Hindi medium, two teacher training colleges, 20 high schools of which two are in Hindi medium, and a school for handicapped children. A roll call of former Jesus & Mary pupils who made their mark in various spheres in India and abroad would make very interesting reading. With love compassion and care the congregation has carried on its good work relentlessly.
The Department of Posts deems it a privilege to issue the stamp making the 150 years of the Sisters of Jesus and Mary in India and salutes the spirit of sister Claudine and those who followed her.
Source : Information Folder issued by Indian Posts & Telegraph Department, Government of India
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