Home Stamps Commemorative Stamps 1992-1995 Golden Jubilee of College of Military Engineering, Kirkee, Pune (click for stamp information)
Golden Jubilee of College of Military Engineering, Kirkee, Pune (click for stamp information)
Golden Jubilee of College of Military Engineering, Kirkee, Pune (click for stamp information)

Product Details
Product Name
Golden Jubilee of College of Military Engineering, Kirkee, Pune (click for stamp information)
Issue Date
08 November 1993

The College of Military Engineering at Kirkee, Pune is the premier institution for Military Engineering in the Country. The need for a centralised study centre for Military Engineering was felt even before the II World War.
As the World War II progressed, the demand for training of military engineers increased and the necessity of centralising it in one institution for organising better technical and specialist training of officers and other personnel was felt. Accordingly, efforts were made for starting a School of Military Engineering (SME) on the lines of SME Chatham. It, therefore, became necessary to find a home for the School of Military Engineering and after careful consideration, the present site at Kirkee, Pune was selected in 1946. By end of 1947, the Institution started moving to its new location and the move was completed by the beginning of 1948.
It was the first project of any magnitude to be carried out in India since the War. After this the work on permanent construction commenced in 1948 and most of the accommodation was completed by 1958. During 1952, the late Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru also visited the CME and appreciated the development of CME. Rapid expansion of the College took place after 1963 to cater to the increased intake necessitated by the expansion of the Army.
In this college, in addition to all ranks from Army, Navy and Airforce, even civilian officers are trained in Protective aspects of Nuclear, Biological and Chemical Warfare, Strategic, Camouflage concealment, deception techniques and Bomb disposal techniques. This institution also runs few package courses and Diploma Engineering Courses for NCos of Military Engineering Services and General Reserve Engineering Force (Border Roads).
This premier institution is the nucleus of all Military Combat Engineering Studies in India, where in addition to training in various Combat Engineering disciplines, tests and trial of new equipment and stores, routine and specialised tests on engineering materials used in new projects, study of latest techniques in military combat engineering are being carried out.
The College provides facilities in almost every sport, i.e. Hockey, Football, Basketball, Volleyball, Squash, Badminton, Tennis, Golf, Cricket, Swimming, Rowing, Yachting and Hang Gliding. The young officers are given initial training and encouragement to develop the interest in sports. Today there are number of officers and other rank of the Corps who have participated in Olympics, Asian games and other competitions at International and National level and brought laurels to the College and the Corps. Standard of Sportsmen and the facilities have been recognised at the National level. Presently the Indian, teams for Rowing and Yatching are being trained at the College.
The Golden Jubilee of the College is being celebrated this year. Department of Posts, has been privileged to honour premier institutions which have contributed immensely to the progressive strides made by the Country’s defence forces. The CME is one such institution and the commemorative stamp is being issued on 8th November 1993 to mark the occasion.
Source : Information Folder issued by Indian Posts & Telegraph Department, Government of India

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