50th Anniversary of Prithvi Theatre (click for stamp information)
Product Details
Product Name
50th Anniversary of Prithvi Theatre (click for stamp information)
Issue Date
15 January 1995
This is the Golden Jubilee year of the founding of Prithvi Theatres, the theatre company of Shri Prithviraj Kapoor.
For sixteen years until 1960 Shri Prithviraj Kapoor, the doyen of Hindi theatre, accompanied by his troupe of about 150 actors, writers, stage craftsmen, musicians and technicians travelled to the farthest corners of India spreading the conviction he had in the power of theatre. It was his dream to build a small theatre of his own to encourage and nurture raw talent. A few years after his demise, the Shri Prithviraj Kapoor Memorial Trust was set up to continue the philanthropic work and development of theatre. In 1978, a theatre was built and inaugurated in memory of a lifetime dedicated by Shri Prithviraj Kapoor to the performing arts.
Today, the Prithvi Theatre can claim to have built up an audience, a theatre movement and a reputation for itself. In celebration of fifty years of Prithvi Theatres, the Shri Prithviraj Kapoor Memorial Trust will be hosting and initiating several projects. Having already initiated the Children’s Theatre Workshops on an annual basis, Platform Performances every weekend, Actors Workshops once a week and recently having opened the Prithvi Gallery, a unique exhibition space for fine art, the Trust further plans to conduct long-term workshops, monthly seminars, film shows on theatre, open a Library and annual theatre festivals for children.
The performing arts and its institutions have been an important subject for stamps. The Department of Posts is privileged to bring out a commemorative postage stamp on the fifty years of Prithvi Theatre.
Source : Information Folder issued by Indian Posts & Telegraph Department, Government of India
Printed Quantity
1 Mill
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