25th Anniversary of Asian-Pacific Postal Training Centre, Bangkok (click for stamp information)
Product Details
Product Name
25th Anniversary of Asian-Pacific Postal Training Centre, Bangkok (click for stamp information)
Issue Date
04 September 1995
The 25th Anniversary of the Asian-Pacific Postal Training Centre, Bangkok, is a landmark of global significance in the history of this institution which is one of the unique regional training centres of its kind in the world.
It was in the year 1970 that the Asian-Pacific Postal Training Centre was set up in Bangkok with the primary objective of training and development of postal administrators and providing a nucleus of personnel to meet the training needs of the countries in the region. Over the years, having acquired an autonomous status, diversified its activities under the enlightened guidance of the Governing Board and' secured the enthusiastic support and cooperation of participating countries, the Centre has come of age standing out as a shining example of international cooperation in the field of postal training.
The importance of training as an investment in the development of human resources has come to be recognised in the pursuit of excellence and to meet the challenges of a rapidly changing global environment. It is with a sense of pride that we acknowledge today the achievement of the centre in catering to the diverse needs of postal administrations and imparting the knowledge, skills and experience required to respond to the pace of change in the region.
The vast range of training opportunities offered by the Centre include postal management, international postal services, computer-related techniques, postal marketing and many other courses of a specialised nature. The thousands of postal managers, representing different countries and cultures who have come together at the Asian-Pacific Postal Training Centre over the past 25 years, have not only benefited professionally from the training but also shared both work and personal experiences with each other in a spirit of cordiality and friendship. The sharing of experience has led to a greater understanding and cooperation among the postal administrations of the region.
India, which has had a significant role in the establishment and growth of the Asian-Pacific Postal Training Centre is also a beneficiary of the institution. The Department of Post in the Ministry of Communications, Government of India, feels privileged to bring out a postage stamp to commemorate the Silver Jubilee of the Asian-Pacific Postal Training Centre, Bangkok. The design of the stamp represents the beacons of knowledge spreading out to the region from this centre of postal excellence and symbolizes the concept of "one region - one world" for the Post. The stamp is being released on the first day of the Asian-Pacific Postal Training Centre Governing Board meeting being held in Singapore and during the course of the World Philatelic Exhibition "Singapore 95".
Source : Information Folder issued by Indian Posts & Telegraph Department, Government of India
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