75th Anniversary of Area Army Headquarters, Delhi Area (click for stamp information)
Product Details
Product Name
75th Anniversary of Area Army Headquarters, Delhi Area (click for stamp information)
Issue Date
26 September 1995
The evolution of Headquarters Delhi Area can be traced back to 1906 when establishment of Delhi Administration Area was suggested to support Delhi Military District. However, the proposal had to be shelved due to the First World War.
The proposal was finally implemented in 1918 when approximately 50 acres of land was acquired in South West Delhi and work on construction of the Cantonment commenced in 1919 under the direction of General Officer Commanding 7 Infantry Division (Meerut). Headquarters Delhi Brigade Area was raised on 1st June 1920 and Brigadier HC Tytler, CMG, CIE, DSO, IO assumed command as its first Commander.
The Headquarters Delhi Brigade Area was named as Headquarters Delhi Independent Brigade Area on 5th September 1922 and redesignated as Headquarters Delhi Area on 1st April 1940. With the raising of Delhi and East Punjab Headquarters Delhi Area was changed to Headquarters Delhi District on 21st March 1946 and thereafter to Delhi and East Punjab Area on 1st August 1947. As a result of communal riots, Delhi and East Punjab Area was activated in establishing refugee camps and maintenance of essential services.
On 1st September 1947, the Delhi and East Punjab Area was redesignated as Headquarters Delhi Independent Area and Major General Maharaj Shri Rajendra Singhji, DSO, IA assumed command of the Area. On 15th September 1947, the Area was renamed as Headquarters Delhi Area and ‘TAURUS’ was adopted as the formation sign. On 1st January 1958, Rajasthan was made part of the Area and the Headquarters was redesignated as Headquarters Delhi and Rajasthan Area. However, on 16th February 1966, Rajasthan ceased to be part of it and the final designation remained Headquarters Delhi Area.
The functioning of the Headquarters today presents a multifaceted profile. From providing rear area security; to catering to logistic support for smooth inductions of field formations into the theatre of operations; to rendering aid to civil administration; to organising all ceremonial events of national importance; the Headquarters functions tirelessly to deliver. ‘TAURUS’ the symbol of "Determination, Perseverance and the Will to Win" goads and guides this Headquarters into achieving perfection in everything it undertakes. The royal beginnings have fructified in building a vibrant and confident Headquarters - a cynosure of the Capital.
The Department of Post today issues a special postage stamp to mark the Platinum Jubilee of Headquarters Delhi Area.
Source : Information Folder issued by Indian Posts & Telegraph Department, Government of India
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