Home Stamps Commemorative Stamps 1996-1997 Morarji Ranchhodji Desai (click for stamp information)
Morarji Ranchhodji Desai (click for stamp information)
Morarji Ranchhodji Desai (click for stamp information)

Product Details
Product Name
Morarji Ranchhodji Desai (click for stamp information)
Issue Date
10 April 1996

Morarji Ranchhodji Desai was born on February 29, 1896 at Bhadeli, a little village near Bulsar in Gujarat to Ranchhodji Desai and Vajiaben. His father was a teacher in the Bhavnagar State in Saurashtra.


Beginning his education in a humble manner at the village school, he went on after matriculation to graduate from Wilson College, Bombay,  in 1912. A religious and stringent background inculcated in him the habits of self-discipline and thrift. It is not surprising therefore that he grew up to become a practicing Gandhian and, as the fourth Prime Minister of India, it was in character with him to say that, "I seek neither popularity  nor unpopularity. I am all for discipline".


While studying for the Intermediate examinations, he had the opportunity to study five volumes of the Physical Culture Encyclopedia of Bernard McFadden which developed in him a lasting faith in nature cure. After graduation he appeared for the Indian Civil Service Examination, seeking appointment as a Deputy Collector in the Bombay Presidency in 1918. He remained in Government Service till his resignation during th e Civil Disobedience Movement.


Long before he actually resigned, he felt he had made a mistake in serving a foreign Government all these years.


He was imprisoned thrice after 1940 for participation in the freedom movement. This only served to make him more devoted and resolute.


He was elected a Member of the Bombay Provincial Congress Committee and became its Secretary from 1931-37. In 1937 he was elected to Bombay Legislative Assembly and was Minister for Forest in the first Congress Government and later served as the Revenue and Home  Minister  of Bombay. In 1952, after the first general elect ions, he became the Chief Minister of Bombay, continuing in that capacity till the reorganisation of States in 1956. He was instrumental in introducing far-reaching reforms in  land revenue,  administration  and  also in police and jail administration. In 1956, he joined the Union  Cabinet  as  Minister  of  Commerce  and Industry, subsequently dealing with the portfolio of Finance and leading delegations to various countries abroad  in  connection  with  the  IMF  and  the International  Bank for Reconstruction and Development.


Morarji Desai was the second Prime Minister of India to rise from very humble origins, the first being Shri Lal Bahadur Shastri. His brief period of Prime Ministership ended on July 28, 1978 when he stepped down.


He is often known as one of the last important followers of the Gandhi an way of life. Integration of the philosophy of the Bhagwad Gita with political thinking was the hallmark of Morarji Desai. He was no blind follower. He adopted what were important in the teachings of Mahatma Gandhi, laying emphasis only on the purest means for the achievement of any objective. Hi s lifestyle was spartan. He did not believe in rituals nor did he subscribe to idol worship. He did not observe the caste system. He was a firm believer in the Swadeshi and National Education and was closely associated with Gujarat Vidyapeeth at Ahmedabad, with Lok Bharati, a rural University in Gujarat and also with serveral cultural; academic and social organizations. What made him stand apart was the fact that even those who disagreed with him never doubted his sincerity. His long and outstanding service to the nation earned for him the highest civilian award of India, the "Bharat Ratna". He died on April 10, 1995 a little short of his 100th birthday.


The Department of Post honours his memory with the issue of a commemorative postage stamp.


Source : Information Folder issued by Indian Posts & Telegraph Department, Government of India

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0.4 Mill

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