Home Stamps Commemorative Stamps 1996-1997 XXVI Olympic Games, Atlanta and 100 Years of Modern Olympics (click for stamp information)
XXVI Olympic Games, Atlanta and 100 Years of Modern Olympics (click for stamp information)
XXVI Olympic Games, Atlanta and 100 Years of Modern Olympics (click for stamp information)

Product Details
Product Name
XXVI Olympic Games, Atlanta and 100 Years of Modern Olympics (click for stamp information)
Issue Date
25 June 1996

The Ancient Olympic Games were started in 776 B.C at Olympia, Greece. Thereafter, the Games, were held at four year intervals until they were abolished in 393 A.D. During the period of the Games, there would be a complete cessation in conflicts and wars between participating City States of ancient Greece and eventually came to be known as 'Olympic Truce'.


The modern Olympic Games were first held in Athens in 1896 through the single-minded efforts and determination of Baron Pierre de Coubertin, a brilliant educator and  scholar, but not an athlete. He recognised that sports tournaments open to all countries in the world would represent the ideals of fraternity and equality. It would generate the sense  of  brotherhood amongst peoples and nations. It is  these ideas together with the ideas of the Ancients which constitute the 'Spirit of Olympism'. In Olympic Games of 1896, only 13 countries participated. This number increased to 171 in 1992, representing almost all the nations on earth.


The Olympic Games at Atlanta scheduled in July-August 1996 celebrates the centenary of the modern olympic movement. This  includes a rededication to the ideals of the olympic movement as set out by Baron Pierre de Coubertin, and as reflected in the 'Spirit of Olympism' namely,  'ALTIUS',  'CITIUS,  'FORTIUS'.


The Department of Post has, from time to time, highlighted sports events, particularly the Olympics.  Special  postage  stamps  have  been issued on the occasion of the 19th, 20th, 23rd and 25th Olympic Meets. The Department is now very happy to issue this set of 2 stamps on the 'Spirit of Olympism' on the occasion of the 26th Olympic Meet which also marks hundred years of Olympics. One of the stamps depicts the Marble stadium of Athens with an impression of Parthenon in the background and the other, the Olympic torch which has been carried since the first meet. The First Day Cover is a visual depiction of the Olympic motto. The torch is repeated on the cancellation.


Source : Information Folder issued by Indian Posts & Telegraph Department, Government of India

Set of 2
Printed Quantity
0.7 Mill

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