XX World Poultry Congress, New Delhi (click for stamp information)
Product Details
Product Name
XX World Poultry Congress, New Delhi (click for stamp information)
Issue Date
02 September 1996
The World Poultry Science Association (India Branch) is organising the XX World Poultry Congress, and International Poultry Exhibition, between 2nd to 8th September 1996 at New Delhi, India. The previous two Congresses were held in Japan in 1988 and in Holland in 1992. This Congress is twentieth in the series of such Congresses.
The modernisation of the poultry industry in the last three decades has put India among the world’s top egg producers. The selection of India is significant in the present context. The earliest recorded existence of the modem poultry species, is traced back to the Indian Red Jungle Fowl. Rensch (1932) and others have deduced that India was the original centre of domestication. The Indian species Gallus gallus murghi is considered the true ancestor of the domestic fowl. The earliest records of the domesticated jungle fowl are found in the Harappa and Mohanjodaro civilization going back to 2500 BC.
The Indian Red Jungle Fowl is mostly confined to the northern and eastern part of the country and the grey variety to western and southern parts. An endangered species, it has been successfully bred in captivity at the National Zoological Park in New Delhi. Desi breeds in India include Assel, Delhi. Desi breeds in India include Assel, Chittagong and Ghagus. Assel is an aggressive bird. Pure specimen of this breed is now rare and available only in Andhra Pradesh, Karnataka and Uttar Pradesh.
India’s poultry exports are poised for a major breakthrough with the value of exports targeted at Rs. 200 crores. A number of export oriented egg and poultry processing projects are already in operation. The live stock sector has enormous potential to improve the socio-economic, status of the rural population, particularly the landless.
The Department of Post is happy to bring out a commemorative postage stamp on the occasion of holding of XX World’s Poultry Congress in India.
Source : Information Folder issued by Indian Posts & Telegraph Department, Government of India
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0.7 Mill
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