Home Stamps Commemorative Stamps 1996-1997 Indepex-97, International Stamp Exhibition, New Delhi (2nd Issue) - Buddhist Cultural Sites (click for stamp information) (click for stamp information)
Indepex-97, International Stamp Exhibition, New Delhi (2nd Issue) - Buddhist Cultural Sites (click for stamp information) (click for stamp information)
Indepex-97, International Stamp Exhibition, New Delhi (2nd Issue) - Buddhist Cultural Sites (click for stamp information) (click for stamp information)

Product Details
Product Name
Indepex-97, International Stamp Exhibition, New Delhi (2nd Issue) - Buddhist Cultural Sites (click for stamp information) (click for stamp information)
Issue Date
06 June 1997

The world Philatelic Exhibition, Indepex '97 is being organised at Delhi by the DEPARTMENT OF POSTS to coincide with the Golden Jubilee Celebration of India's Independence. The exhibition will be held from 15-22 December '97 in hall  Nos. 8-11, Pragati Maidan, New Delhi.


A Special Logo has been designed for Indepex '97 which depicts the caparisoned elephant, a symbol of traditional welcome in India. It signifies peace, prosperity and goodwill. A special postage stamp depicting the logo of Indepex '97 was released on 5th of Oct.  '96.


This being a major international exhibition which is held approximately once every ten years, the Department of Posts is bringing out a series of stamps to herald Indepex '97. This is the first such set.


India is a country of great cultural heritage. This set of four stamps on Nalanda, Bodhgaya, Vaishali and Kushinagar depicts four cultural centres. Nalanda, Bodhgaya, and Vaishali are located in the state of Bihar and Kushinagar in Uttar Pradesh.



The first stamp in the series, depicts the ruins of Nalanda University, a monastic University which flourished here from 5th to 11th Century AD. It is believed to be the oldest university in the world. Lord Buddha himself is said to have preached at Nalanda.



The stamp on Bodhgaya depicts the giant Bodhi Tree where Prince Siddharth gained enlightenment. Bodhgaya has also the famous Mahabodhi Temple with a soaring spire. Its walls are covered with scenes depicting various aspects of Buddhism. The temple is said to stand at the  site of  the original  3rd  Century B.C. temple built by Emperor Ashoka.



Vaishali, the ancient land of Mithila was the capital of the Lichchavis, one of the earliest republics of the world. Emperor Ashoka erected a pillar here to mark the spot of the last prayer meeting of Lord Buddha. This pillar and the stupa of Vaishali are depicted in the stamp.



Kushinagar, in Uttar Pradesh, completes the series: it was at this place that Lord Buddha breathed his last and attained  Maha Parinirvana. The stamp depicts the Stupa at Kushinagar.


The above centres which have a rich historical background, located among two of the largest and most populous states of the country attract a large number of tourists from all over the world.


Source : Information Folder issued by Indian Posts & Telegraph Department, Government of India

Set of 4
Printed Quantity
0.5 Mill

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