Home Stamps Commemorative Stamps 1996-1997 150th Anniversary of The Lawrence School, Sanawar (click for stamp information)
150th Anniversary of The Lawrence School, Sanawar (click for stamp information)
150th Anniversary of The Lawrence School, Sanawar (click for stamp information)

Product Details
Product Name
150th Anniversary of The Lawrence School, Sanawar (click for stamp information)
Issue Date
04 October 1997

The Lawrence School, Sanawar, Himachal Pradesh, was  founded  in  1847 by sir Henry Montogomery Lawrence, a distinguished British Army Officer of that time. The original name 'Lawrence Military Sylum', was changed to Lawrence Royal Military School and then to the institution's present name : "The Lawrence School." It was among the first schools in the British Empire to receive the King's Colours. The school went on to get the King's Colours three times in  all. The students and the alumni of the school served during  the First and Second world War in the highest tradition of Bravery. After  independence, the School was handed over to the Ministry of Defence and subsequently to the Ministry of Education.


The Old Sanawarians continued to serve the country during all major wars from 1947 onwards. Lt Arun Khetarpal, PVC, was an ex-student of the  School. The alumni holds prestigious ranks in all three Departments of Defence and in the Police Force. There is a large number of the alumni in Civil and. Foreign Services, occupying highly important posts.


Old Sanawarians hold key corporate positions worldwide, be it media, industry or services. Sports, specially adventure sports, such as mountaineering has been a Sanawarian forte.


The centre of Sanawarian life revolves around the Birdwood School,  as represented by the picture of the stamp, a building built of grey granite in  a  simple and austere Gothic style. The foundation stone of this building was  laid on August 25, 1927, and was named after Field Marshal Sir William  Birdwood.


Since its inception till date, it is being used as the main schools buildings and teaching  section.


Inlaid within the stamp is the School Crest. The design of a hand holding a dagger, ivy, swords and lion heads was adapted from the family Coat of Arms  of Sir Henry Lawrence. The crest bears the School's Motto - "NEVER GIVE IN", which embodies the -spirit of the School, a spirit to which Rudyard Kipling bore testimony in his great classic work, "KIM" - "Send him to Sanawar &  make a man of  him."


The Cannons on the First Day Cover were captured in Turkey by the British and presented to Sanawar by the Ferozepur Arsenal  Garrison  in  1934.


The Department of Posts is happy to issue a commemorative stamp to mark the sesquicentenial celebrations of the founding of  the  Lawrence  School.


Source : Information Folder issued by Indian Posts & Telegraph Department, Government of India

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