Bicentenary of 4th Battalion Brigade of the Guards (1 Rajput) (click for stamp information)
Product Details
Product Name
Bicentenary of 4th Battalion Brigade of the Guards (1 Rajput) (click for stamp information)
Issue Date
15 September 1998
The Battalion 4 Guards (1 Rajput) was raised as part of the Bengal Army on 15th September, 1798, at Sasseram (Bihar), by Major George Sackville Brown. Fighting against the Marathas and the French, in the Battle of Delhi in 1803, the Battalion's collective gallantry was so conspicuous that an HONORARY COLOUR was awarded to the Battalion, a unique honour never bestowed on any other unit of the Indian Army till date. The Battalion took part in the Battle of Bharatpur in 1805 and planted the Battalion Colour on the ramparts of the Bharatpur Fort despite stiff enemy resistance and heavy casualities. The Battalion Colour which was riddled with bullets was ordered to be burnt. The remnants preserved by the old soldiers and their children, were pinned onto the New Colour and were carried to victory at Bharatpur in 1826. The revered shreds of the Old Colour are still preserved in a silver casket known as the Battalion's Centre Piece. This event has been introduced as a case study on Motivation in the Indian Army under the title, The Tattered Flag.
Prior to the First World War, the Battalion saw action in Punjab, Afghanistan, Burma and China. In the First World War, the Battalion proved its mettle at Dujailah Redoubt in1916. In the Second World War, the Battalion saw action in Burma and accepted the Japanese Surrender at Andaman and Nicobar Islands in 1945.
In 1947, the Battalion was one of the first to be rushed into J&K. On 6th February 1948, the enemy attacked Taindhar. They were beaten back. In this historic battle, Naik Yadunath Singh, though himself wounded, rushed out of his bunker and charged the enemy single handed. He was awarded the Param Vir Chakra, posthumously.
In 1962, the Battalion was deployed at the watershed in West Sikkim and was later selected to form part of the United Nations Emergency Forces at Gaza during 1964-65. The Battalion got an outstanding report during its tour of duty with the UN.
In 1971, the Battalion spearheaded the advance and was the first to reach the outskirts of Dacca on 13 December 1971. For its outstanding performance, during 1971 operations, the Battalion was awarded the Battle Honour Akhaura and Theatre Honour East Pakistan. Due to its glorious traditions and rich heritage, the Battalion was chosen to spearhead the mechanisation of Brigade of the Guards in 1987.
Since then the Battalion has seen action in J&K where it has acquited itself most creditably and won many an applause for its glorious actions. The Battalion has won 23 Battle/Theatre Honours tilldate. The awards won by the Battalion include Victoria Cross (2), Param Vir Chakra (1), Mahavir Chakra (2) and Vir Chakra (13).
The Department of Posts is happy to issue a commemorative postage stamp on 4 Guards (1 Rajput) on the occasion of its Bicentenary Celebrations.
Source : Information Folder issued by Indian Posts & Telegraph Department, Government of India
Printed Quantity
0.7 Mill
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