Home Stamps Commemorative Stamps 1998-1999 Maritime Heritage (click for stamp information)
Maritime Heritage (click for stamp information)
Maritime Heritage (click for stamp information)

Product Details
Product Name
Maritime Heritage (click for stamp information)
Issue Date
05 April 1999

The fact that the word 'navigation' has its root in the Sanskrit word navigati (navigation) underlines the antiquity of India's Maritime Heritage. The discovery of 5000 years old Malabar teak beams in the ruins of Ur in Babylon (Iraq) and an Indian cedar beam at the palace of Nebuchadnezzar at Birs Nimrud dating back to 600 B.C. prove that our ancient ship-wrights had made considerable advances in technology. With the discovery of the Lothal port and dock dating back to circa 2400-1900 B.C., it became clear taht the Indus Valley Civilization did have a maritime dimension also. Evidences of smaller ports of the same era were unearthed at places like Bhagatrav Satkagendor and Sutkakoh. The commercial acumen of India's merchant class and the zeal of Buddhist missionaries must have given tremendous impetus to ship-building in the subsequent centuries. When we move from the terracota boat model of Lothal and engravings in Indus seals to the depiction of ships and boats in Ajanta caves (Circa 600 A.D.), the advancement in technology from single sail ships to sewn plank ships with three sails is in evidence.

Source : Information Folder issued by Indian Posts & Telegraph Department, Government of India

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