Home Stamps Commemorative Stamps 1998-1999 300th Anniversary of the Khalsa Panth (Sikh Order) (click for stamp information)
300th Anniversary of the Khalsa Panth (Sikh Order) (click for stamp information)
300th Anniversary of the Khalsa Panth (Sikh Order) (click for stamp information)

Product Details
Product Name
300th Anniversary of the Khalsa Panth (Sikh Order) (click for stamp information)
Issue Date
09 April 1999

Sikhism, one of the youngest religions of the world, was founded by Guru Nanak in 1469. Guru Nanak was followed by nine spiritual successors who spread the message of universal love, peace, harmony and morality. However, the dynamic  movement  set forth by them for the spiritual reconstruction and moral regeneration incited strong hostility of some native feudal lords and protagonists of the caste system.


During the times of Guru Gobind Singh, the forces of tyranny, injustice and oppression became so aggressive that it was imperative to combat them and protect the oppressed from ruthless onslaughts on their freedom. In order to accomplish this the Guru decided to raise an army of self-sacrificing saint soldiers. The Guru chose Baisakhi Day of 1699 to introduce the Khalsa identity in an inspiring and spectacular manner.


The Guru summoned his followers from  all  over India to assemble at Fort Kesgarh in Anandpur Sahib (Punjab) for celebrating the annual Baisakhi festival. Addressing the vast congregation of about eighty thousand, he suddenly unsheathed his sword and demanded one after _the other five heads as a sacrifice for the sake of "Dharma". Out of the five who offered their heads, four belonged to the  suppressed  classes and came from distant places like Bidar in the South and Jagannath Puri in the East. He initiated them in a novel manner, using a steel bowl and a double-edged broadsword for preparing the sacred nectar for initiation. Initiating them into a new casteless society, designating it as the Khalsa Panth, he called  them God's Elect, his Five Beloved  Ones, and the nucleus of the New Order. In order to ensure that they remain distinguished from the rest of the world, he surnamed them with a common appellation - Singh (liont) - and prescribed a common uniform consisting of five defining emblems which gave the Khalsa a distinct identity. He exhorted them to live up to the highest moral and ethical standards and be always prepared to fight tyranny, oppression and injustice.


The Guru then stood up before the  five and besought to be initiated into the Khalsa order. After being so initiated, he pronounced, "From now on the Khalsa is the guru, and the guru is the Khalsa". This epoch-making event marked the beginning of the rise of people who would fight all oppression and tyranny. It brought about a revolutionary change in  men's minds and aroused their dormant energies towards positive, constructive and altruistic purposes. It also resulted in many acts of bold sacrifices and gallantry. In later eras it contributed significantly to the fight for freedom of India from the British rule, to the strengthening of India's unity and solidarity after independence and to the welfare of all mankind for whom the entire Sikh community supplicates daily in its congregational prayer  "Sarbat da bhala".


The Department of Posts feels privileged to issue this stamp commemorating the tercentenary of the Khalsa.


Source : Information Folder issued by Indian Posts & Telegraph Department, Government of India

Printed Quantity
1.5 Mill

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