Home Stamps Commemorative Stamps 2000-2001 Census of India-2001 (click for stamp information)
Census of India-2001 (click for stamp information)
Census of India-2001 (click for stamp information)

Product Details
Product Name
Census of India-2001 (click for stamp information)
Issue Date
10 February 2001

Though census enumeration is generally believed to be a modern concept, historical evidence  shows that attempts were made from very early times to collect population data in India. Kautilya's 'Artha Shastra' (3'd Century B.C.) prescribed the collection of population statistics as a measure of state policy for the purpose of taxation. During the Mughal period, extensive records were maintained on land, production, population, famines  etc.

The year 1872 marked the beginning of census taking in India in the modern sense, when results of the censuses around that time in different parts of the country were aggregated. From 1881 onwards, a complete and synchronous census has been held every tenth year . The history of the Indian census is a fascinating one. Apart from the fact that ancient and medieval India appears to have been familiar with population counts, there is hardly any country, which has had an unbroken chain of regular decennial modern censuses over the last hundred years.

The next decennial Census of India will be held from 9th to 28th February 2001 throughout the length and breadth of the country. The Census of lndia 2001 is going to be one of the most gigantic administrative exercises in the world. An idea of the magnitude of the operations can be formed from the fact that about two million enumerators and supervisors, mainly consisting of teachers, State/Central Government officials and officials of local bodies will be deployed. Briefly, the 2001 census operations, will  be  carried out in two phases:

The first phase known as Houselisting Operations during April-June 2000 in different States/UTs depending  upon  their  local  conditions.

The  second  phase  known  as  Population Enumeration  - to be held  during 9th to 28th February 200i (except in Jammu & Kashmir, where it has been held in September 2000.

Houselisting Operations aim at locating all human dwellings throughout the country. The data collected during the first phase will facilitate the smooth conduct of the second phase , i.e., actual Population Enumeration in 2001.

Census is not a mere counting of heads, but involves the collection of several demographic, social, cultural and economic characteristics of every individual which are all compiled and presented in the form of meaningful tables for the consumption of data-users. The Indian Census has the tradition of producing analytical reports and organising other ancillary studies to enrich the census statistics.

The Department of Posts is proud to associate itself with the Census 200 I through the issue of this postage stamp.

Source : Information Folder issued by Indian Posts & Telegraph Department, Government of India

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