Janardan Swami (click for stamp information)
Product Details
Product Name
Janardan Swami (click for stamp information)
Issue Date
24 September 2003
Born on September 24, 1914, Sant Janardan Swami's life gave expression to his devotion to Lord Siva through the principles of simplicity and dedication to the poor.
Even in his early years, his devotion was not restricted to worship alone but extended to cleaning up the village regularly. From 1952 to 1964, he undertook strict austerities, living at Nageshwar Temple, Andersul, Nashik, meditati g and studying scriptures, strictly observing silence. Shivramgiri, who initiated him into sanyas in 1962, named him Moungiri. In 1964, he experienced enlightenment and self-realization.
He renovated and reconstructed various Siva Temples. His sermons drew the poor and the illiterate towards ethical and cleaner life-styles. Working under his guidance, people turned barren lands into fertile farms. School & hostel set up by him for poor students are still operating at Ellora, Tunki, Dhamane and Kopargaon.
His Samadhi Mandir was built at Kopargaon near Nashik. Appropriately, it is close to a school which carries his name and a temple dedicated to Lord Siva.
The Department of Posts honours his achievements through this commemorative postage stamp. The First Day Cover depicts the light he brought to the lives he touched.
Source : Information Folder issued by Indian Posts & Telegraph Department, Government of India
Printed Quantity
0.4 Mill
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