Home Stamps Commemorative Stamps 2002-2003 Narendra Mohan (click for stamp information)
Narendra Mohan (click for stamp information)
Narendra Mohan (click for stamp information)

Product Details
Product Name
Narendra Mohan (click for stamp information)
Issue Date
14 October 2003

The 'Fourth Estate' is known as such because it is as significant an institution as the three other pillars of Indian democracy viz. the Legislature,  the Executive and the Judiciary. Its significance stems from a long journalistic tradition, the hallmark of which has been a singular devotion to the delineation of truth and defence of the people's rights and liberty. This tradition burgeoned during the nascent phase of the National Movement when mass agitations had not begun and the main task was mobilization of nationalist ideology. Newspapers were the chief instruments to carry out this task. They not only opposed the colonial powers through pungent diatribe but were also successful in getting repealed repressive legislations like the Vernacular Press Act of 1878.

The contemporary Indian Press draws inspiration from this legacy of powerful and fearless journalism and performs its role with fire and elan. Narendra Mohan was an illustrious successor of this legacy. Born on 10 October, 1934 at Kalpi, Distt. Jalaun, Uttar Pradesh, he moved to Kanpur later on where his father Babu Puran Chandra Gupta set up  the Hindi newspaper, Dainik Jagran in 1947. Narendra Mohan became the editor of Dainik Jagran in 1965 during the heyday of English newspapers and took upon himself the mantle of upliftment of Hindi journalism. He believed that the actual role of a newspaper is to voice the common man's views and that this is possible only when the mode of communication is a language that is commonly understood. As  a  consequence  of  his  courage  of conviction,  non-partisan  and  rational  attitude  and relentless  efforts, Dainik  Jagran became the leading Hindi newspaper of the country.

Narendra Mohan had a multi-faceted personality. He was also a poet and a votary of Indian culture. The weekly 'Vichar Pravaah' introduced by him portrayed his patriotism and deep sense of affinity to Indian culture. His orations on the richness of Indian cultural heritage, for instance at the Vishwa Shanti Sammelan at New York, were especially thought-provoking. His literary works include 'Amrit ki Oar', 'Kholo Dwaar', 'Tumhara Sangeet', 'Daasatva Se Ubaro', Satya ki Dhoop', 'Dharma Aur Saampradaayikta', 'Pratiraksha Aur Saamrik Neeti', 'Aaj ki Rajneeti Aur Bhrashtachaar' etc.

In recognition of his achievements, Narendra Mohan was nominated to the Rajya Sabha in 1996. He was also awarded the 'Matrushree' and 'Sita' awards in the field of journalism. Having imbibed the value of 'social service through journalism' from his father, he practised it in full measure during the Kargil War and Bhuj earthquake. He contributed wholeheartedly to the Prime Minister's Relief Fund and Sainik Sahayata Kosh by constituting the Jagran Raahat Kosh. Having made a tremendous impact in his profession, this colossus of Hindi journalism passed away on 20th September, 2002.

The Department of Posts considers it a privilege to bring out a commemorative postage stamp on Narendra Mohan as a tribute to his invaluable contributions

Source : Information Folder issued by Indian Posts & Telegraph Department, Government of India

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