Home Stamps Commemorative Stamps 2006-2007 Devaneya Pavanar (click for stamp information)
Devaneya Pavanar (click for stamp information)
Devaneya Pavanar (click for stamp information)

Product Details
Product Name
Devaneya Pavanar (click for stamp information)
Issue Date
12 February 2006

In the annals of 20th century Tamil literature, the name of Devaneya Pavanar assumes prominence. He was born to Shri Gnanamuthu and Smt. Paripooranam at Perumputhur near Sankarankoil iri Tamilnadu on 7th February 1902 and was named 'Devanesar' by his parents. He had his schooling from Ambur and C.M.S. High School, Palayamkottai. He acquired proficiency in Tamil and English during his early days and started composing poems.


He taught in a school at Syonmalai from 1919 to 1921. Recognizing his talents, Tamil Pandithar Masilamani issued a certificate to him as 'Devanesa Kavivanan' which was then reformed in Tamil as 'Pavanar'. In 1924, he was the only person who passed the Pandithar examination of Madurai Tamil Sangam. He also passed the examination of Vidwan (B.O.L.) in Madras University in 1928. In 1952 he earned his Master's Degree in Tamil and joined as a Tutor in Annamalai University for research on Dravidian languages. In 1974, he was appointed as the Director of Classical Tamil Etymological Dictionary. It was a lexicon-cum-etymological dictionary prepared on encyclopedic principles. Pavailar's mission was to bring out a comprehensive Tamil Etymological Dictionary that would cover the entire range of richness and antiquity of Tamillanguage, which he was able to compile. He emphasized the manifold uses of dictionary and wanted to standardize the Tamil language using etymological tools.


His linguistic research, spanned for more than five decades, resulted into many masterpieces including 'Oppiyal Mozhi Nool' and 'Verchol Katturaigal' which was published regularly from 1964 to 1980 in the literary monthly 'Sentamil Selvi'. He was a/votary of the theory of Monogenesis of language.


A doyen of linguistics, Pavanar's command on the Tamil vocabulary both literary and colloquial, was phenomenal. New coinages of pure Tamil words made by him in his works have already entered the common usage.


A versatile scholar, Pavanar displayed originality and boldness in his critical examination of prevalent theories. His works include History of Tamils, History of Tamil literature, A Critical Survey of the Madras University Tamil Lexicon (in English), History of Sanskrit (Vadamoli), Commentary on Tirukkural in Tamil Tradition, etc.


He wrote more than 35 books, which provide an insight into the variety of facts and highlight the significant contribution made by literary stalwarts.


Pavanar composed some noteworthy poems including the collection 'Venpa'. He was also skilled in music, vocal and instrumental and has written a number of books on metrical lyrics (Kirtanas).


He was given the title 'Senthamil Selvar ' by Tamilnadu Government in 1979.


He passed away on 15th January 1981 but his legacy lives on.



The  Department  of  Posts  is  pleased  to  issue  a commemorative postage stamp on Devaneya Pavanar.


Source : Information Folder issued by Indian Posts & Telegraph Department, Government of India

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