Home Stamps Commemorative Stamps 2006-2007 100 Years of Don Bosco Salesians in India (click for stamp information)
100 Years of Don Bosco Salesians in India (click for stamp information)
100 Years of Don Bosco Salesians in India (click for stamp information)

Product Details
Product Name
100 Years of Don Bosco Salesians in India (click for stamp information)
Issue Date
27 February 2006

Religious Society of Don Bosco, called the Salesian Society was established in 1859 by Don Bosco, an Italian priest of the nineteenth century at Valdocco (Italy). In 1872 a similar Society for women, called the Salesian Sisters was formed to look after poor girls.  Don Bosco organized his lay collaborators into a Salesian family.


The first group of Salesians came to India on 6'h January, 1906 when they reached Bombay and from there they headed for Madras and then to their first real destination at Thanjavur to establish the first Salesian presence in India. The leader of that first group was Fr. George Tomatis. They took charge of the existing orphanage that comprised of just six boys. The number increased in the short span and they succeeded in starting a unit of the Salesian co-operators. The first Indian to join the Salesian was a boy named Karunal.


In 1925, a novitiate was started at Shillong with European and Indian novices. Despite lack of means and personnel, the works progressed rapidly. Trusting in Mary Help of Christians and Don Bosco, the Salesian opened new houses in various parts of India. In 1934, the Salesian province of India was divided into two provinces, The Province of North India under Fr. Vincenzo Scuderi and The Province of South India under Fr. Eligius Cinato.  At pres nt Salesian India and the South Asian region consists of nine provinces (Bangalore, Mumbai, Hyderabad, Kolkata, Dimpaur, Guwahati, Chennai, New Delhi, and Tiruchy) and three vice provinces (Konkan, Myanmar and Sri Lanka). In this region there are nine Salesian bishops and 2,333 Salesians working in 372 presences. The lay association of the Salesian Cooperators is also flourishing in this region. The volunteers of Don Bosco (VDB's) are consecrated lay people living the Salesian charism in the world.


Salesians today dedicate themselves to the empowerment of the young and marginalized, in orphanages and centres for street boys, rehab facilities, and centers for counseling and social communication. They also offer quality education in schools, colleges, technical and agricultural institutes.


The Department of Posts is happy to issue a postage stamp to commemorate 100 years of Don Bosco Salesians in India.


Source : Information Folder issued by Indian Posts & Telegraph Department, Government of India

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