Home Stamps Commemorative Stamps 2006-2007 100 Years of Indian Agricultural Research Institute (click for stamp information)
100 Years of Indian Agricultural Research Institute (click for stamp information)
100 Years of Indian Agricultural Research Institute (click for stamp information)

Product Details
Product Name
100 Years of Indian Agricultural Research Institute (click for stamp information)
Issue Date
30 March 2006

The Indian Agricultural Research Institute (IARI), popularly known as the 'Pusa Institute', was originally established in 1905 at Pusa (Bihar) aided by a donation of£ 30,000 from an American philanthropist, Mr. Henry Phipps. Following a devastating earthquake in 1934, the Institute was shifted to its present location in Delhi. Ever since its establishment, the Institute has provided an inspiring leader ship in the development of agricultural  research infra structure and technologies that led to India's emergence as a food-sufficient country.


The Institute has been playing a key role in agricultural research, education and extension in the country. The emphasis of the Institute on training researchers led to its acquiring the status of a 'Deemed-to-be University' in 1958. Besides basic research, applied and commodity research gained great importance resulting in the development of several popular high yielding varieties of almost all major crops and their associated management technologies, which brought about an unprecedented increase in the national food and agriculture production.


The Institute has expanded from its original infrastructure of five Division s to its current network of twenty Divisions, eleven dedicated Units, six National Coordinating Centres, five multidisciplinary Research Centres, nine Regional Research Stations and two off­ season nurseries. The Institute's library holds the largest collection on agrobiological literature in South Asia. The National Phytotron Facility is the only controlled environment and containment research facility in South Asia.


The Institute is moving up stream with an increased thrust on strategic and basic researches which will not only keep enriching the stream of scientific knowledge, technology generation and product development, but would also enhance the nation's  competitiveness  in this age of scientific revolution. The Institute has strengthened its existing key areas of research and education such as Molecular Biology and Biotechnology, Microbiology, Virology, Physiology, Biochemistry and Agrochemicals, Precision and Organic farming and bio-fuel research. Apart from crop improvement and breeding, the thrust has been shifted to new strategic areas such as exploitation of heterosis and development of hybrids, including apomixes, new plant types combining high biomass production with high harvest index, Marker assisted selection, identification of genes for resistance/tolerance to biotic and abiotic stresses, and creation of pre-breeding stocks combining multiple resistances  and other desirable attributes.


The Indian Agricultural Research Institute has significantly contributed to the growth of Indian seeds industry, by making available quality seed of nearly 175 varieties of field and vegetables corps.


The Institute has spearheaded the development of new concepts, themes and methodologies in research initiatives, network project at National level extension and technology assessment  and  transfer.


The Institute has been the harbinger of the Green Revolution and the flagship of Indian agriculture. The increased food production through the application of the Green Revolution technologies has been the corner stone of India's food security and overall agricultural success.


The Department of Posts is proud to commemorate one hundred years of the Indian Agricultural Research Institute with the issue of a postage stamp.


Source : Information Folder issued by Indian Posts & Telegraph Department, Government of India

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