Home Stamps Commemorative Stamps 2006-2007 Save Kurinji Campaign (click for stamp information)
Save Kurinji Campaign (click for stamp information)
Save Kurinji Campaign (click for stamp information)

Product Details
Product Name
Save Kurinji Campaign (click for stamp information)
Issue Date
29 May 2006

Kurinji is the legendary blue and white flowers of the Western Ghats, is said to have given its name to Nilgiris (the blue hills around Ooty in Tamil Nadu and Wynad district in Kerala) and the plant itself is an indicator of the health of the ecosystem.


Flowering in the wilder hilly areas of the Western Ghats, Sahyadri ranges and Kodaikanal mountains in high altitudes of about 1600 metres, the flower is exclusive to India and some species are known to flower once in twelve years.


It is  a gregarious shrub in the family of Acathancea, of the sub species of Strobilanthes group. The more important and famous among them is "Neela kurinji" or "Blue Flower"," Strobilanthes kunthiranus".


The Kurinji plant occurs on the dry slopes and in gorges of the eastern side of the hills, where there is little or no tree forest. It is tall bushy shrub, sometimes eight to ten feet high, and is covered with a profusion of bright blue bell-like flowers. All of them have a periodicity from eight to 12years. After blossoming, the plant wilts.


The last blooming was recorded in 1994. Though it started blooming in December 2005, the flower in its gorgeous full bloom can be seen in 2006. The occasion of blooming attracts tourists from all over the world.


It is said that in and around Munnar, the tribals, a majority of them Muduvas, calculate their age with the flowering Kurinji. It is also believed that it has medicinal properties and is recognized in the Ayurveda system.


Systematic record of its blooming has been kept since 1838 although Kurinji flower was first mentioned in the Tamil Sangam classics of 3-5 AD, such as Akananuru, Purananuru and Madurai Kanchi. The plant is referred as "Karungal Kurinji", meaning the black-stemmed flower. When Kurinji is in bloom, the honey gathered from the vicinity is said to be of special values. Legend has it that Murugan, the lord of Kurinji land, put a garland of Kurinji flowers when he married Valli. One poet praises a king as "the one who rules over a country where the Kurinji honey is in plenty". It's true that when Kurinji is in full bloom, the entire surrounding seems to pulsate under a bluish haze. And it is in the Kurinji land that both Vaigai and Amaravathi rivers originate. The legendary Kurinji is blooming in the mountains in the Year 2006, which would be a sight to cherish and preserve.


The pressures of development have led to cutting of forests leading to the shrinkage of green cover in the area. The home of Kurinji, which had remained inviolate so far, has suffered damages in the last 100 years. Forests have been cleared for plantations and for timber. Introduction of some alien plant species have also affected the eco system. There is urgent need to protect what is left of this beautiful flowering plant, which has been pushed into remote and inaccessible forests, hilly slopes and gorges. Several 'Save Kurinji' campaign have been organized in Tamil Nadu and Kerala to protect this wonderful plant.


The Kurinji has become a symbol for the bio-diversity of the Western Ghats, which has been declared one of the 18 "Hotspots" of the world.


The Department  of  Posts is proud  to issue a commemorative postage stamp on Kurinji.


Source : Information Folder issued by Indian Posts & Telegraph Department, Government of India

Printed Quantity
0.8 Mill

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