Home Stamps Commemorative Stamps 2006-2007 Women's Education (3rd Issue) Indraprastha Girl's School, Delhi (click for stamp information)
Women's Education (3rd Issue) Indraprastha Girl's School, Delhi (click for stamp information)
Women's Education (3rd Issue) Indraprastha Girl's School, Delhi (click for stamp information)

Product Details
Product Name
Women's Education (3rd Issue) Indraprastha Girl's School, Delhi (click for stamp information)
Issue Date
08 July 2006

In the late nineteenth and early twentieth century modern education was yet to reach the women of India, especially the north India. In March 1904 Annie Besant, in a pamphlet entitled 'The Education of Indian Girls', inspired the Indraprastha Lodge of the Theosophical Society of India to promote girls' education in tune with the Indian ethos and value systems. A small band of enlightened enthusiasts decided to establish a school in old Delhi, and on 21"May 1904, the first girls school in Delhi, the Indraprastha Girls' School, came into existence with just seven students on its rolls.  It was a defining and historic moment marking the beginning of a new era.


LalaJugal Kishore, an executive in a British firm, was the foremost amongst the founders who went from house to house to collect funds, and convincing hesitant parents to send their daughters to school. These ingenious and novel methods of collection of funds like 'One Rupee Fund' and 'Hundred Rupee Fund' helped the school to sustain and grow. Advocate Rai Pearey Lal, Lala Sultan Singh Rais, Seth Banwari  Lal Lohiya, Lala Pearey Lal (Motorwale), Lala Balkrishan Das and Rai Bishamber Nath  were the other founder members. Initially the curriculum constituted the study of  religious texts, cookery, needlework, singing of hymns, first-aid, child health and creative arts and crafts, but the ultimate objective of the school was instilling patriotic fervour among the students while grooming them into responsible citizens.


The school was started in a spacious three-storeyed Haveli, "Bhajan Bhawan", located behind  the Jaina Masjid, where it continues to this day.  This Haveli was gifted to the school by Lala Balkrishan Das, one of the founders and first Secretary of the School Society.  Gradually the school gained acceptance in the society and became a pioneering example to be followed by others.  Several girls' schools came up in the area between 1906 and 1912. Indraprastha College for women was also established in 1924 in the same school building with just two students.


At a time when it was difficult to get lady teachers, a bold beginning was made by Miss Leonora G'meiner from Australia, on the request from Annie Besant. In true theosophical spirit of universal brotherhood, she dedicated herself to the onerous task of imparting education to girls from conservative homes. Besides helping create a happy blend of the East and the West, she enhanced the reputation of the school with emphasis of decorum, discipline and dedication. Subsequently, she became the Founder Principal of Indraprastha College for Women.


Indraprastha School has another distinction of being the first girls' school in Delhi to start science subjects in 1923. A hostel in the school premises was also constructed for out­ station students.


Luminaries   such   as   Rabindranath Tagore, Bal Gangadhar Tilak, Motilal Nehru, Dr. Annie  Besant, Sarojini Naidu, Tej Bahadur Sapru etc. visited this school and appreciated the pioneering work done in the field of women's education in India.


lndraprastha School has played a remarkable role in pioneering the education of girls of all creed and religion.


The Department of Posts is happy to issue a commemorative postage stamp on Indraprastha Girls' School.


Source : Information Folder issued by Indian Posts & Telegraph Department, Government of India

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