Home Stamps Commemorative Stamps 2006-2007 150 Years of University of Madras (click for stamp information)
150 Years of University of Madras (click for stamp information)
150 Years of University of Madras (click for stamp information)

Product Details
Product Name
150 Years of University of Madras (click for stamp information)
Issue Date
04 September 2006

The University of Madras is one of the oldest Universities of India, and is among the handful to which the genesis of modern India's higher education system can be traced.


The origins of the University of Madras can be traced to a public petition signed by 70,000 citizens, and presented on 11.11.1839 by the Advocate General, Mr. George Norton, urging the need for an English College in Madras city. Following on this a University Board was constituted, in January 1840, with Mr. George Norton as  its President. However, a formal educational policy for India was formulated only 14 years later in the form of what has come to be known as 'Sir Charles Wood's Education Despatch' of 1854. As a sequel, the University of Madras, which had been organized on the model of London University, was incorporated by an Act of the Legislative Council of India on 51   September 1857.


The University of Madras, which had 17 university departments, 30 teachers and 69 research scholars in 1912, has now grown into a large teaching-cum-affiliating university with 17 schools and 66 departments of post graduate teaching and research, 133 affiliated colleges, and 48 approved research institutions.

The University also offers distance education programmes in many disciplines through the Institute of Distance Education, and the Academic Staff College of the university also conducts Refresher and Orientation  Programmes for college and university teachers.


The University has also established the International Centre of University of Madras (ICOM) to fulfill its policy to promote the free flow of students from other nations to India, as well as allow Indian students to get educated in other nations.


The University has signed MOUs with as many as 31 other Universities including many foreign universities. Nearly 150 sponsored research projects funded by various agencies are being carried  out in the University departments. The National Assessment and Accreditation Council (NAAC) has accredited the University at the 5 star level in 2000. The University of Madras was also one among the first five universities in the country to receive recognition from the University Grants Commission as a 'University with Potential for Excellence'.


The University of Madras is spread over 6 campuses at Chepauk, Marina, Guindy, Taramani, Chetpet and Maduravoyal. Its motto is 'Ooctrina Vim Promovet lnstiam', which means 'Learning promotes (one's) innate talent'. And among the many illustrious alumni who have come out of its portals, mention must be made of Sir C.V.Raman, Shri S.Chandrasekhar, Dr. S.Radhakrishnan, and Dr. M.S.Swaminathan.


In fact, the University of Madras has played a pioneering role in higher education in India. As an institution, which has given birth to practically every other university in the State, the University of Madras is very conscious of its obligation to play a pro-active role for  promoting and maintaining quality in higher education.


The Department of Posts is honoured to issue a commemorative postage stamp on University of Madras on its sesquicentennial year.


Source : Information Folder issued by Indian Posts & Telegraph Department, Government of India

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