Home Stamps Commemorative Stamps 2006-2007 J.P. Naik (click for stamp information)
J.P. Naik (click for stamp information)
J.P. Naik (click for stamp information)

Product Details
Product Name
J.P. Naik (click for stamp information)
Issue Date
05 September 2007

Prof. J.P. Naik, the Founder Member-Secretary of the Indian Council of Social Science Research, New Delhi nurtured the Council and  a large number of Indian Social Scientists to an International status bringing International recognition for Social Science Research Indian.


"Himself very much grassroots person, Mr. Naik was quite certain that the development of social science research in the country  must be entrusted to centers that would relate themselves to concrete and specific problems in different parts of the country."


Naik's contribution in the field of Indian education was singular. He was member Secretary of Indian Education Commission (1964-66) and was the chief architect of the Commission's report in 1968.The first ever Education Policy of independent India drafted by J.P. Naik and adopted by Parliament in a modified from, in 1968 was based on this comprehensive report. In 1963, it was Naik who planned the establishment of the National Council for Educational Research and Training (NCERT). He assisted Shri G. Parthasarthy in the Establishment of Jawaharlal University. As member Secretary of ICSSR, he enabled quite a few organizations to establish special social science research centers at the state level.


Born on 5th September, 1907 in a poor family, he had a brilliant academic career and his versatile mind was equally interested in literature, history and mathematics. He graduated from Rajaram College, Kolhapur  and was appointed as its teaching faculty.

In 1930, during Gandhiji's Civil Disobedience Movement, he resigned his job, went underground and worked in backward villages of Dharwad District. He was arrested and sent to jail for two years of penal servitude. He opted to be a Ward Boy in the jail hospital, and nearly finished the MBBS course under the supervision of the British Jail doctor. From 1937 to 1942 he was writing copiously about educational reorganization and established his dream research institution: The Indian Institute of Education between 1948 and 1959.


While working as adviser in the Education Ministry from 1959 to 1964, he also worked as Member-Secretary of the Central Advisory Board of Education from 1960 to 1978. He brought out a Silver Jubilee Volume of the history of the CABE in 1960 and helped in preparing the five-year plans for education of the states.


J.P. Naik as a freedom fighter had undertaken innovative educational programmes in backward village of Dharwad in Karanataka. He studied the problem of primary education in India and other  developing countries. Knowing this, UNESCO invited him for  a conference on primary education held in Mumbai in 1952. He was placed by UNESCO on the Executive Committee of the International Institute of Educational Planning, Paris. UNESCO gave him assistance to write his last book 'Education Commission and After', critical and introspective analysis of the process of formulating India's education policy. He was invited by the Daag Hammerschold Foundation as adviser for alternatives and innovations in education, especially for developing countries.


Naik was a prolific writer, he wrote as many as 41 books and booklets of which 'History of Education in India' won international acclaim. Elementary Education in India: Promise to keep, won the Dadabhai Naoroji Award. The Report of the Education Commission became internationally  famous, and his last two books viz. Education Commission and After (a critical review of India's education policy) and Health for All which proposes alternatives in health-care for all has contributed to formation of the health policy of India in 1983.


He was awarded the Padma Bhushan in 1974.

He always worked on a nominal salary of Re.1/- per month as he was freedom fighter in his youth and wished to retain his freedom throughout his life. India lost the doyen of its educational thinkers and organizers on 30th August 1981.


In 1989-90, UNESCO published a series of monographs on '100 Thinkers on Education' of world-stature, going as for back as Confucius, among which J.P. Naik finds a place of honour. Naik's departure from the Indian educational scene has created a large void which cannot easily be filled.


The Department of Posts is proud to release a commemorative postage stamp on J.P. Naik.


Source : Information Folder issued by Indian Posts & Telegraph Department, Government of India

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